A Whole Bunch of Map Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ExoticNature, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    Formerely "Tons of Map Ideas", a thread started by LivesOn, is no longer being updated. I'd like to continue it as it was and still is a huge help for many people. This entire thread is posted for anyone who needs an idea or some inspiration. It's also open for anyone who wants to add ideas, just follow the format that every idea below uses.

    Thread is constantly updated! Check back for more daily!

    Form: Anything
    Gameplay: A tour through Sandbox or another huge map via teleporters, i.e. you spawn in the air and fall into a teleporter which gives you enough momentum to fly to another one halfway across the map, then another, another, etc.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox, Sandtrap, or Longshore

    Form: Infection
    Gameplay: Zombie (or zombies) try to escape from a maximum security prison guarded by security guards (humans) that try to stop the zombie(s) from escaping by using switches that trigger traps...or it could be as simple as just shooting at them.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Slayer
    Gameplay: Players spawn at the top of a round map shaped like something similar to this and are pushed by mancannons causing them to whirl around and around while slowly going to the bottom of the tube where there may either be a killball or a teleporter leading back up to the top.
    What Map: Anything

    Form: Slayer
    Gameplay: Players (an even amount) spawn in 1vs1 chambers and fight to the death, the winner moving to the next chamber via gravity lift or teleporter. The chain continues until there are two left, fighting for their team (or by themselves).
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Anything
    Gameplay: Any map based on maps similar to these: Fireworks that go off while a game is going on, now that would be awesome.
    What Map: Anything

    Form: Slayer
    Gameplay: Using the three levels of Sandbox, a game of paintball takes place. Since it is using all three levels, it will be able to hold any amount of people (1-16) engaging others with plasma pistols.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Capture the Flag or King of the Hill
    Gameplay: A game of duck hunt involving the guardian towers of Sandbox. The object is to get to the top while avoiding them. Capture the Flag must have one person on the other team but they will not be pitted against eachother so the one person on the other team is given an observation tower to watch them try to get his/her flag while facing off against the guardians. King of the Hill would be the same unless you make it a free for all, everyone trying to get to the hill at the top of the duck hunt building first to win the game.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Infection
    Gameplay: Zombies inside a building trying to stop the humans from getting inside and killing them all. If the zombies survive for a certain amount of time or kill all the humans, they win.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox or Foundry

    Form: Slayer
    Gameplay: Trying to get into a safe zone where the Sandbox guardians cannot get you. The guardians are blocked for a certain amount of time. Once they are free to shoot, anyone not inside will die.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Anything
    Gameplay: A game where the players play the map and have to survive against the items falling from the sky while also fighting the other team or just basing the game completely off the items falling from the sky, similar to this map.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Anything
    Gameplay: The game takes place on small columns or other small objects that you can easily fall off of, teams pitted against each other with gravity hammers, swords, brute shots, or any other weapons that may be good.
    What Map: Preferably the Skybubble of Sandbox

    Form: Capture the Flag
    Gameplay: The flags are located right next to eachother and are visible from both sides but you are unable to get to them and must instead go through a whole maze just to get to the other side, take the flag, and return to your side.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox or Foundry

    Form: King of the Hill or Slayer
    Gameplay: The map is centered around a huge pyramid in which the players have to fight to get to the top. In King of the Hill, being at the top means you are in the hill. In Slayer, being at the top gives you an extra bonus or special weapon to use.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: VIP
    Gameplay: Banshees try to fly through Hills while there are Tanks, Machine Gun Warthogs, or Gauss Warthogs trying to shoot them down. Points are given for both killing other people or flying through hills. People flying through the hills spawn right next to Banshees while people shooting them down spawn next to their immovable vehicle.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Anything
    Gameplay: A ship in the water, either fully afloat, half sinking, or almost completely underwater. I like this idea a lot because it is original and could play out well.
    What Map: Preferably Longshore

    Form: Preferably Capture The Flag, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, or Territories, but it's your choice
    Gameplay: A map with either two sides and a huge lighthouse in the middle, or small spawn points outside the lighthouse for each time (for an even bigger lighthouse!). There are tons of things you could do with this. For example, why not make the Lighthouse's light be composed of a killball or red light? And let the players access the top of the lighthouse where the light is and be able to look out over the whole map (there aren't any ways covering the top of the lighthouse, how could ships see then?) or something along the lines of that.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Anything
    Gameplay: A tilted wall that everyone must scale, it would be awesome if it could start at Sandbox's ground level and work it's way up to the top of the tallest hill. Could work with anything, but King of the Hill would probably stand out.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Anything
    Gameplay: A remake of one of the Fallout 3 vaults. Everyone starts either inside and try to get out (like the game) or start outside and try to get in (also, just like the game). Tons of possibilities for this one!
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox or Foundry

    Form: Preferably Asset
    Gameplay: A set course on a ship where you had to get from one side to the other. Once you reached the other side you'd find a hornet that you could use to escape the zombie-infected (Well, other team that is) ship. In fact, it doesn't even have to be a ship. I haven't seen any set-path maps on Sandbox so you could go crazy!
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox or Foundry

    Form: VIP (Or, if you want to be more specific, Asset)
    Gameplay: A game where the VIP and his/her protectors spawn outside surrounded by windows. The person or people trying to kill the VIP will spawn in a random window with a sniper. The protectors must figure out where the sniper(s) are hiding and kill them before they kill the VIP. If you want to use Asset, maybe have a hornet drop after a certain amount of time?
    What Map: Sandbox

    Form: Anything
    Gameplay: A simple lobby that can be used for anything from waiting for friends to something fun to play from time to time.
    What Map: Doesn't matter

    Form: Infection or VIP
    Gameplay: Only a few people (as little as possible) spawn on one side on Sandbox. They only their legs as they traverse the map, looking for weapons and vehicles. After a while, they find them, but also have to avoid the infected. They must make it to the safehouse before they are overwhelmed. Once there, they wait out the time limit of the map until they win...or the zombies find a way in. If VIP, it would be better to only have one person (but I'm not sure if that's possible) who must get the VIP point on the other side of the map, basically same as infection.
    What Map: Sandbox

    Form: Infection or VIP (Asset)
    Gameplay: Humans spawn in the center of the map in what could be described as either a prison or a safezone with watchtowers on the look-out for zombies. They are soon discovered and have to defend their spot until the time limit runs out or they all die. Because it is a safe spot and they took precautions, they made many weapon-caches inside the safezone.
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox

    Form: Infection or VIP
    Gameplay: Similar to Guitar Hero but with only three lines and many people. There is one person who hits the notes and the other people who...are the notes, literally. They fall at a certain pace (Can be slowed or made to go faster via teleporters, mancannons, gravity lifts, and custom powerups if you want). If a note is not hit, the note (player) falls through a teleporter that leads to the place where the VIP or human is (depending on gametype), where the "note" can kill the "player".
    What Map: Preferably Sandbox
    #1 ExoticNature, Nov 30, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Me thinks about trying number 14. It looks like a really different challenge. I call dibs whenever I'm finished with MW2, so much xp, so little time.
  3. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good luck~

    I added another idea. This list is growing fast!
  4. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for idea it would very help me for feature project !
  5. nixaguy

    nixaguy Ancient
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    Isnt this a knock-off of the Imagination Database ? Pardon me if im wrong, but it seems similar, the imagination database is one of the stickied threads at the top.
  6. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    Sure, that was a great thread, but you weren't able to criticize people or tell the person with the idea that you were going to do it. It was an idea-only thread, nothing else. This is much more wide open.

    I added a new idea, almost at 20! Anyone have any ideas?
  7. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Says who?
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    There's no hornet on orbital
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I've only ever been able to get out of orbital about five feet and even then you can't spawn objects out there and even then there's no hornet on orbital.
  10. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    2 more ideas added!

    Wohoo! This thread has reached 20 ideas: 19 of which have probably not even been attempted, the main goal of this thread!

    #10 ExoticNature, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009

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