Hello once again and say hello to my new creation-er I mean friend, The ROFLMonster. The ROFLMonster is nothing really special, its just an asthetic joke I thought would be humerous to myself and the forging community. Lets have a closer peaky weaky at it shall we? Here is a overview of his sexiness! The Jenkins Mobile is my official vehicle approved by many players who got to taste its front bumper. The Jenkins Mobile includes..... -An FM radio with all the headbanging rock you can withstand in that nooby little head. -Cupholders. What? Every vehicle has cupholders. Right? -40" Rhimz that make your ride look poppin. -Warp Speed. The warp speed make my mobile go Shoom!Shoom!Shoom!! I would also like to notify you that if you walk up to The ROfLMonster and catch him off guard, you could end up like this poor fellow..One last quick notification, there is and easter egg on The ROFLMonster and its up to you to locate and pwn noobs with that easter egg. Thanks for viewing my map and please don`t flame on how lame it is. DL Link:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Um well one thing's for sure, I hope I don't meet this guy in the streets. He'll ROFL all over me. But seriously this actually looks pretty funny and made me laugh with his LASER VISION! Everything looks clean and doesn't look like most aesthetic sculptures people make around here. This and MJ from a map name I can't remember at the moment are both really good.
LMAO Jenkins. I saw you recommended me this screenshot, but I was playing MW2 at my friend's house. Anyway, this is funny as hell. xD Nice job.
Rofl XD i like your post, im not gunna DL but you made me laugh well ive got nothin else to say. nice aesthetics, some good lol's all in all i give it a 6.9/8.234555
Haha, this is an awesome creature! I ROFL'd when I saw it. Love the laser beams coming from his eyes.
Spoiler The ROFLmonster scares me and it looks pretty cool too. And nice presentations (A mongoose with cupholders O-Yeah). It looks pretty cool, the only thing is the ROFLknife doesn't look like a ROFLknife. Kinda looks like a no-handle two edged axe. Still well done. OMGzzz like 3.4525648237541253497625/3.51923784681723561278365871
Um, the comment was actaully spam, not a necro post. They got rid of necro posting. And even if they didn't, the comment was well below four weeks, so I am not sure what rules you are looking at?? Anyway, the laser axe guy is pretty cool.. I like the fact that his hand is an axe. The lasers coming out of his eys were a nice touch. The forging is kind of basic. I would like to see some more detail in the characters next time. 3/5
I Rofl'd. Although the Forging isn't the best, I think that this is a humorous edition to the aesthetic section, as it was intended to be. I also think that the ROFL'knife' he has is more like a ROFLcleaver.
Jenkins, I love you an I wish I played Halo more often so we could forge. I remeber running away from the rofl monster about a week or two back. That was epic. This is greatly forged. The axe was nicely finished, I'm glad you found a solution. 5/5, well done my friend!