Lil Devil9597's and MaN1C K1LLA 93's Asset Map Pack! Hello, Forgehub. Lil Devil has a little something to give for Christmas. Although it ain't Christmas, Im still releasing it. But why am I releasing it today? Well, I found out that I won't be Online on Christmas and the 3 days after. This is my best work so far here on forgehub. With out further or do. In this map pack there are 3 maps: (Please Note That All Gameplay Is On Mircosoft Silverlight) (I wont add any pics because my computer has some bugs) (Also Note that the Video may take 10-15 seconds to play) Download Asset! ONI Hillside By Lil Devil9597ONI Hillside was One of the Main Maps. Although its already released in November, I am releasing it again. As The Main Map in the Map Pack, ONI Hillside brought Ideas to Make the final 2 in the map pack. There are 5 areas on this map. Red Base, Sniper Base, Purple Room, Bridge and Spartan Laser Room.6-10 players. YouTube- Halo 3 | Asset: ONI Hillside Download Map! Strateigies: When you first start off you have 45 seconds to get the Lazer, Rockets and Sniper. Camp inside the Sniper Base. If you have 5 players then get 2 on each enterance. Keep the V.I.P. Behind a Wall! Brutes: Try Sticking the V.I.P Through the wall holes and Try getting the Chieftain class. With this you'll Dominate. Restricted By: Lil Devil9597 Although ONI Hillside was the main map, Restricted brings New Gameplay! This Intense Map Hold alot of Keys used in Asset Maps. I honestly think this is the 2nd Best in the Map Pack. This map also has a 6-min Hornet. So hold on tight troopers. 6-14 players. [bungievid]102448747[/bungievid] Download Map! Strategies: Human: Once you fall try landing on the top roof. Get the 2 tripmines and plant them on the 2 enterance near the little base below the Hornet Landing pad. The First time the Enemies Come they die easily. Use Sniper to take out drivers and Lonely Stranders. Brutes: Don't attack from the front. Theres plenty of flanking points throught the map. Try using them against them. Perilous By: Lil Devil9597, MaN1C K1LLA 93 and Carpy 17 As this map was helped alot by Manic Killa 93 and Carpy 17. I helped with most of this maps Little things, Railings, Weapon Set, Brute Spawn and 6-min Hornet. This map Also gives a brand-new type of gameplay that fans of Asset should get used to. Why is this called Perilous? Well many people sent me message agreeing with Debayter's Map Nameerilous. As This New Bad Boy changes heights. 8-14 players. [bungievid]102448694[/bungievid] Download Map! Strategies: Human: Try getting 1 guy for each power weapon. Everyone must have one power weapon. If the Vechiles come, Try getting the Asset Near a Small Building. Brutes: Banshee, Banshee and Banshee. This Vechile can do multiple things to a VIP. Knock Him off, lower he's Sheild and Kill his Teamates. Wraith Is a Big One when the Hornet Comes in. Credits: As this is my last Asset Map pack, I will ever make. I hope you guys enjoy. The map pack took over 130 hours to prepare,build, Design and Master. I would like to thank the Testers and Some Important people who helped: Manic Killa 93 Reaper 2117 xSniperacex UDie47x's Cale2006 Meltyourtv Rifte Gifle Master Debayter Dealing Pigeon Xang Yang Carpy 17 Thanks For Viewing! Play with the Creators: Lil Devil9597 and MaN1C K1LLA 93 Dec 15th 2009 5:00pm (MT) 8:00pm (EST) and 4:00pm (PST) Dec 17th 2009 6:00pm (MT) 9:00 (EST) and 5:00 (PST)
impressive. i can see that you put a lot of time into making this map pack. your forging is neat in all three of your maps and has a lot of unique structures incorporated it it, although my favorite has to be Perilous. ONI Hillside isn't exactly my style, but i look forward to playing both of the others.
Perilous and Restricted both took at least 40 hours. Yes, I am very happy. I thought people will start hating Asset. This was a worry but This isn't just my map pack. Both Me and MaN1C K1LLA 93. ONI Hillside isn't Much so don't blame. Restricted has alot of fun Gameplay. But Perilous is the best out of them all. .... Oh Crap! Sorry Guys! I Forgot the Download Links. There All Better!
I swear to god I recently just helped out some guy with Perilous (I think it was carpy 17) and did like ALL of the more complex stuff like blocking certain guardians, doing all of the spawns, fixing the brute spawn room, covenant weapons, teleporters >.>
Yeah, MaN1C K1LLA 93 and Him worked together, I also helped out with the railings, Brute Spawn, Convenent Weapons and The Human Weapons. The Map Is Made by both, MaN1C and Carpy 17. Just give me a second to add the name.
...and what about blocking the guardians, fixing your covenant spawns so they weren't completely cramped(and facing towards walls), redoing the covenant weapons, and literally making your covenant starting room because you never had one?
your right but im the one who made the base on the hill and carpy 17 made the rocks and the coveant base
Yeah, Then I had to redo them again! Doesn't really matter. Everyone got credit. Just end this fight.
>.> So then why did you claim I only "helped" with spawn placement? Screw it, I'm just staying away from this thread I no longer wish to be a part of this. Credit me if you want or not, it doesn't matter to me anymore
im the one who started the whole map but carpy 17 made the rocks and the covenant base but rifte gifle helped with the spawn points and some of the covenant base and lil devil did small things like 6 min drop and 4 ralings to all the people who whants to know about who and what me carpy 17 and rifte gifle and lil devil did to this map every one have fun on all these great maps
manic where exactly in ANY of this did rifte claim he made your entire base or started your map? he didn't, so shut up with that.
I remember testing ONI Hillside once and I played on Perilous a few times. Congrats on finally releasing this map pack. Did you fix the chieftain spawn. Last time I played, I spawned way out into the guardians and died twice. They were reallly fun to play on and they looked really good too. I'm going to have to play on Restricted when I can.
Dude, Im not gonna report you but this is spam here on forgehub. You're Sorta off topic. Anyway, I'll be getting a V.2 On Restircted and Perilous Soon, Most Likely Next Year. Again If you find any Bugs Tell me, I will fix. And If Anyone has suggestions for a V.2 Also tell me.