Halo Reach VGA Premiere Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Hari, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. MaxpOO95

    MaxpOO95 Ancient

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    @ Mikelp
    {"What made me think that the "Commander" is Forge because he said "Spartans don't die, they just go missing." Which seems like it connects with Forge's death when detonating the bomb on the strange planet. BTW: Yes, I know Forge is not a Spartan in Halo Wars, but he could have gotten off and became one in the 10 years or so.}

    I believe it was some vice admiral, or maybe Dr. Halsey who said that, because if spartans could die, It would lower public moral. They needed the money to keep making ammo and weapons.
    Covenant ships are orbiting over Planet reach right now with 4 spartans on it, one of them is Linda. Kelly was sedated and then kidnapped by Dr. Halsey, who later, Crashes onto Reach and goes in Hides in the underground ONI base named: CASTLE.

    @ mikelp
    "Spartans never die".
    This was said by One of the Vice admirals in war Helping to fund the Spartan 3 project. If the people knew that spartans could die, it would lower public moral, and they needed money to fund the war.

    Covenant ships hover in planet reaches orbit. On reach, there are 4 spartans, one of them is Linda. I do not remember the other names though I do think the tall one is jack. Kelly is not there, she was sedated by Dr. Halsey, who later crashes on reach with her, then She goes to the Underground ONI Facility known as CASTLE.
    Covenant are currently Glassing the surface of Reach (Firing Plasma At the surface, causing it to heaten up/melt, then re- solidify)
    But they have stopped near the mid section of the planet. They only glassed the outer edges of reach.
    Meantime, MAster chief and Cortana are on a Covenant FLagship. Cortana has recently found out Covenant have made AI's, She has been attacking ships and destroying their AI's. Almost all of the ships have only engineers on them, due tot he fact that the largest covenant Fleet to ever assemble is storming their way to the ONI CASTLE Base.
    The covenant infiltrate the base and break one of the roofs in. Both races come to an unkown Round, Temple like room with one small, irridescent stone in the middle of it. Dr. Halsey quickly Grabs the stone, and the spartans and any marines left are fighting of Hordes of the covenant, but only so many covenant can attack, because of the confined spaces.
    Master chief see's the glassing of the planet, and turns his head away.

    [Hope this sums some stuff up for you guys. I did not copy paste this, and this is not just a bunch of Bsh1t. In halo, they never said the spartans were dead. In fact, there are other spartans trapped inside the core of a planet known as "Onyx", on which the training for the Spartan lll's took place. And also, on which the Oracle was awakened.
    The Spartans are still out there........
    #41 MaxpOO95, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  2. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Just to clear up a few things on here, Jorge said "Didn't think anyone survived Pegasi, sir."

    And as for the skull, it's not painted on, he etched it in with his knife. Hence... the knife marks. Srsly guys, go to B.Net and DL this on their page.

    Also, I do believe I'm more excited for the Campaign instead of Multiplayer. Dunno why, but I just feel that the campaign will be... amazing. So amazing.
    #42 Juggernaut, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  3. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    The trailer, in my opinion, really wasn't the greatest. We know know the characters and that there's a Hawk thingy.
    The armor was freakin' awesome and that's pretty much all I can say that was epic.
  4. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Uhhh, Forge DID NOT become a spartan. It isn't something that you can just do. They take children when they are young, as in NOT Forge and train them their entire lives. Johnson survived Halo because a pelican of marines left the ring before hand. In Halo: First Strike, it covers that entire part of the story line. The end part of Halo: ODST (when Johnson is with Virgil) takes place after Master Chief leaves Earth and goes to Delta Halo and before the Covenant open up the rift to the Arc.

    Now in the trailer, how do you know that they are all Spartans, I took it as all of them being marines, except the spartan that just got there. Why else would he have to tell Jorge that "Spartans never die?"
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Marines don't wear Mjolnir...
  6. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Yea, I noticed that a second ago, but every other part of my post is valid


    "In 2545, the UNSC sent in 300 Spartan-III super-soldiers from Beta Company to destroy the refinery in Operation: TORPEDO. They successfully destroyed the refinery, crippling the Covenant supply lines, but came out with the death of 298 out of the 300 Spartans of Beta Company. [4] Because of this, Lucy-B091, one of the two surviving Spartans, was so shocked from the incident that she became mute and could not (or chose not to) speak anymore."

    "Tom-B292 and Lucy-B091 were the only two Spartans that survived the explosion."

    So 2 Spartans survived, 1 of which is mute. So our unknown "main" character is either Lucy or Tom.
    #46 coyoteboy1023, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009

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    Its actually Jorge, if you look closely. I know Carter calls him George, but his actual name is the spanish rendition, Jorge.
  8. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    And yeah, I already posted that also lol.
  9. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Are you guys stupid or something? We are in no way going to be playing as spartan III's. Reaches Battle was fought by Spartan II's on the ground. Silly, silly people. l2read books.
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yeah , I figured that out after watching the subtitled version.
  11. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    ... but really. Why are you throwing out insults at people's theories just because they are wrong like they are a bigger deal than it really is?
    #51 Loscocco, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  12. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Nothing in his post was insulting, and he is right..
  13. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    So who in the Haloverse has a prosthetic arm? Because if you watch the trailer on Bungie the girl clearly has a fake arm.
  14. fiery

    fiery Ancient
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  15. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    0:50s picture of a hawk on the air-vehicle in questions tail.. that indicates its a hawk..

    If thats not enough for you..
    1:33s aerial view of the vehicle.. its an unbelievable resemblance to the hawks in HW only difference is, on this, the propellers are open turning and not enclosed like on HW.

    "... Im glad to have your skill set, but you can leave that lone wolf stuff behind."

    "..Is this our number 6?"

    ^Strange, my friend mentioned that Reach was based on Squad tactics... It's funny how Squad Battle in H3 has 6 members to each squad, and those guys just got their sixth member....

    Also, just to clear up the last of the things everyones wondering about.. The guy whos loading a magazine.. is loading a Sniper Rifle Cartridge.. If you pay close attention, you can see his rifle propped up behind him. Also.. he carries it onto the hawk with him.. so no new weapon there guys
    #55 Stevo, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    "Step into the boots of a Spartan III and prepare for the first look at “Halo: Reach,” the highly anticipated prequel to the “Halo” trilogy from acclaimed developer Bungie coming fall 2010."

    MS Press Release

    what are you stupid or something? l2read news :)
  17. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Thats so dumb! Spartan 3's are nerfed spartans....
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    well they wore SPI armor, which means they don't have shields, but they do have active camo.
  19. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Well, there is no way that any other Spartans besides the main character is a spartan III, because they never got that old. They always died.
  20. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I don't really think that you should be going by the books so much. They had help from Bungie, but they weren't written by Bungie. I think I remember one of the main writers at Bungie saying that they didn't like all the stuff in the books, such as the explanation of Jonson being immune to the flood. Also as far as canon goes Games>Books. Anything in the game overrules what is written in one of the books. So what I'm saying is I don't think any of the stuff in the books will be in Reach, except for the main ideas, which were revealed in Halo 1.

    Just saying guys, feel free to disagree with me, it's just my opinion.

    And yeah apparently that's supposed to all be from the in-game engine... If that's true those are some pretty amazing graphics. And yeah the skull dude looks extremely. badass (almost too much like it's just really stereotypical, but still pretty BA)

    And is it just me or does all this retcon piss anyone else off a little? I mean they have all this stuff in Halo Wars, and the stuff in the trailer, but where was all of that in Halo 1,2, and 3? It's cool and all but it just really doesn't make sense.

    And some other things I've noticed in the trailer
    yeah there appears to be a BR but it looks a little different, so it's probably a prototype
    the guy is loading bullets into sniper rifle clip, if you look his sniper is on the left
    I could be wrong but with the skull guy it looks like he has grenades for a grenade launcher strapped all over him, so maybe a human grenade launcher in Reach
    #60 Kilr0n, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009

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