Ok, so doesn't the guy have to be Tom (B292)? He's the only Spartan to survive Pegasi, besides Lucy who is a girl. I mean, if it's not Tom, then it has to just be some random new guy.
His skull helmet is only (probably) an earlier version of EVA armor with the skull spray painted on, go back and look at it. Anyway, everyone trying to figure out who everyone is, are there any Spartans missing an arm? Because the female had a prosthetic/robotic arm.
Could be another who survived Pegasi other than Tom and Lucy. Besides, T & L were on Onyx during Reach.
Yeah, it's only painted on. I'm pretty sure we all noticed that. Regardless, dude looks like a total badass motherfucker.
I really liked how fluid all the character's movements were... it wasn't like in ODST where everyone was bouncing like in Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs.
i dont get this.. wasnt the HW thing set before the Reach incident? and people are saying that forge is the "commander" guy.. if that is true.. that would mean that a) forge is stronger than john 117 because he can override a nuclear reacter inside a sun and survive b) that once he survives a cataclysmis nuclear explosion, he hitches a ride back to reach aboard a space rock c) gets a promotion from lord hood on earth for being a bad ass mofo. ^ all that = Impossible.. On another note, the random guy loading a magazine.. is just loading a magazine, theres no new gun on that. The guy with the skull helmet.. is going to be the next hayabusa kinda thing.. Everyone will want it until they realise, everyone has it.. The helectopter things could be anything.. Hawks could be a valid explaination to them, as they are actually the only propellor based air vehicle in the halo series to date... But other than all that, it looks like it's gonna play like ODST on Steroids.. Perks are probably a bad idea though, no point in changing a game thats amazing to play like the only game that could even be considered a rival to the Halo series.. thats just suicide in the marketplace..
I liked it, had a great dark feel to it and they left some tantalizing clues for us. My one problem is that you have no idea the context of this, it seems like its just before all the action but who knows? Bungie are the masters of intrigue and hype!
The Commander is NOT Forge. It clearly says Carter-259 on the shoulder/peck section of his armor (his right side). You can see it if you pause the film. Oh, and by the emblem on those aircrafts, I'd say that they are Hawks...considering that emblem..is of a hawk.
fought through the flood and escaped the bunker in halo 1 then was extracted by a pelican even before mc was. oh and he has a genetic mutation so the flood cant infect him.
So the names we have so far are Carter, Kat, and Jorge (pronounced super english-like "george"). 3 more names still to be confirmed. Though, the main protagonist is a Lieutenant.
YouTube- Halo: Reach World Premiere HD the one you posted was less high quality i think this one is 720p me thinks EDIT: better sound and is alot better than the others, put this one up on front page and SUPER ORGASM
Or it could be a new vehicle?... Tom Morello said that it wasn't going to be perks but more specifically more of a custom powerup type thing (invisibility, sprint) *Look's at video in fullscreen 0:46 - Halo 1 pistol?! Spartans George- 052 Carter- 259 Kat- 320 Btw.. at 1:15 I can't understand what George is trying to say. "Did anyone survive the (blank), sir?". Someone explain please. I think that the Lieutenant will be the one you mainly play as, and will be one of those silent heroes (e.g. the rookie, MC)
Bagasi? and i just realised, why do they all have different accents? when they all grew up and trained together. just a thought
They were stolen as children of 6 years old and taken from many different planets and cultures so of course there are different accents.
yea but if you live in a place or talk to the same people for even a short while (like weeks not mins) you pick up there accents they lived together and trained together, so they should have picked up the same accents, unless they go on such long missions apart that they pick up different accents
meh, idk. I answered my own question though lol. There's a version with subtitles on b.net and he says "Pegasi". And his name is Jorge (subtitles confirm it when the commander calls him) Also.. (this is a mouse over) [mouseoverimage=http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/1692/reachshow.jpg]http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9167/reachhide.jpg[/mouseoverimage]