Sandbox Mittenpunkt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dr D04K, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title: Mittenpunkt
    a piece of skybox heaven

    Download Map

    skybox map
    small asymmetrical map
    recommended 2-8 players.
    supports all game types
    Great for FFA (even 1v1)
    Team Slayer and objective games also great up to 4v4

    1 OS
    1 Sniper
    1 Shotty
    1 Brute shot
    1 Needler
    1 Plasma pistol
    2 Mauler
    2 Spikers
    several BRs
    several Carbines
    1 Sheild drainer
    1 Green stuff
    frags and stickies










    By demand, action shots






    Download Map
    #1 Dr D04K, Dec 11, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  2. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks very thought out and exucuted. I would add some more pictures though, explaining the nap in some greater detail. Also, just looking at your pictures, the sniper seems knda useless mainly because there are so many walls obstructing your view. But, then again, I have not layer the mao so I don't know if this is true.
  3. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the input, I'll try to add more pics soon. The sniper isn't dominant because of all the walls (which is a good thing), but its not useless, there are interesting long lines of sight on the map, you just have to find them.
  4. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Looks really well thought out and i'm sure gameplay is great for FFA. Good work on the aesthetics also. You probably need to get some close-up screens and some action shots in you're post though.
    #4 PatchworkZombie, Dec 11, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2009
  5. J4nus006

    J4nus006 Ancient

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    Awesome Map

    I've play-tested this map and I'll simply say: "Download it" immediately. Not only is it a great FFA map (as the previous poster suggested) but it is also a fantastic TS map. It's well balanced and extremely well thought out. The top is easily accessible, so as to not create a dominating geographical advantage and the weapon placements promote good movement throughout the map. With plenty of ways to get to any location and just enough obstruction to make it interesting to navigate, this map could easily be a great objective map as well. Great work and kudos to the architect... I didn't think people were making maps like this anymore. Thanks!
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm impressed by the layout and the complexity of it. And I see you railed everything off too. I'll try to play it tonight and post some feedback later.
  7. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Woah dang. Not bad at all. I really like the layout, it reminds me a bit of the pit and guardian mixed, with all the ramps and the spherical shape.
    The only thing I really didn't like were the colored columns. To really have a nice aesthetic effect on a FFA map, your columns should be the same color. That's my opinion though.
    Fantastic job, I'd love to test it out sometime.
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    map looks sick - lots of avenues for travel and multiple layers. the only thing that bothers me is that the top layer is only blocked by single-walls, which could allow players to grenade jump up to the very top, and maybe onto the pillars. ill give it a forge through and check it out though, this map has a lot of promise...
  9. MrN1ck5t3r

    MrN1ck5t3r Ancient

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    That is one of the most amazing maps I have seen. I think that the name is a bit strange though.
  10. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn, this is amazing. The forging is excellent, it looks good, and plays good. This is truly, a piece of skybox heaven. Do you have any money left for filters or lights? This map just needs a bit more of an air to it. It already has a creepy look, but just a tiny bit more of pizzaz to up the feel. I don't want it to hurt gameplay too much. Try having a light somewhere in the death zone, directly under the map, or towards the side with the sun on it, to make it look like the sun is causing a reddish light upon the map.
  11. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the input, I agree, aesthetically, on a FFA map, I'm not a fan of colored columns, but since this supports team games, I thought giving the sides different colors would make call-outs easier (I envisioned red-grass, blue-grass, red-sun, blue-sun as the four major quadrant call-outs).

    Thanks for the critique, yes, it is actually possible with grenade jumps to get all the way on top of the middle structure, and from there that closest tower, but its not easy and the map is small enough that its hard to get there without someone killing you first and even then you're very exposed, so while the map is technically "breakable", it doesn't (or hasn't in any of the test games I've played) negatively effect game play.

    Thanks, yeah, the name is strange. Its a math term referring the center of the triangle created by the intersections of the innermost tangents of three circles, when I sketched out the design idea for the map, it looked like 3 adjacent circles, so the name is fitting even if it is strange.
  12. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just a random fact, Mittenpunkt means Mid-Punk in German.
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks really good. Love how it's open, but yet not open.
    Though, I'm saying this from judging by the pics

    I'll queue this for Download for when I get a new Xbox :)
  14. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments, I've spent all of my budget, but there are a few aesthetic pieces I was able to trim to see how a light would look, it looked good on the sun side, but it made the grass look weird, so I think it actually looked better without, thanks for the suggestion though. Keep them coming please. Game play critique would be most useful.
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This may seem like a bump, and I guess you can call this that, but this map definitely deserves the extra attention.



    Mittenpunkt was a map that I had wanted to play for quite a while now, but because of a few setbacks I hadn’t been able to play this map since I downloaded it in December. However, the wait was worth it. In the three gametypes that we played, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, and Assault, every member in the game had fun even though my team smoked the other team all three games. Although one base has almost no cover, and higher floors were all around it, nothing seemed too overpowered. In Capture the Flag especially, it was fun to drop down upon the flag carrier from higher levels and get that good ol’ “WTF” moment. There was no time I found the map to be boring.

    The balance of this map is great. The multi-level design that the map took on was not only well balanced but aesthetically pleasing. I’ll get more to the aesthetics later. The mid to long range combat throughout the map could easily be flanked and could leave you guessing where they could come from. No weapon seemed too overpowering, and the weapons were very well placed throughout the map, especially the grenades. I always had at least one plasma grenade where ever I went. The only problem I found was that the top portion nearest the grassy base was too open and it was quite easy to kill an attacker.

    We only found one place to break the map even though the map is in the Sky Bubble. Towards the top of the map near where the lift sends you, you can jump onto the Obelisks, then to the red column, and then just jump onto the very top of the map. It’s an over powering spot, and you’re easy to take out if there’s only one of you, but it still must be marked down.

    The aesthetics of Mittenpunkt were the main reason I took note of the map back in December ’09. It is a very cleanly forged map that is very pleasing to the eye. As well, because it was built in the sky bubble, the 360 degree view that you can get of the Bungie made aesthetics of Sandbox took great effect. The greatest feature of the map’s aesthetics was the grass floor near one of the bases. It fit in, was very cleanly forged, and seemed natural and fit in with the rest of the map’s style.

    Mittenpunkt is one of the first maps I’ve actually played in the Sky Bubble that evenly balanced all levels of it’s geometry while keeping gameplay fun and fast. The aesthetics are one of the features that sets this map out from others, and the simplistic design keeps you coming back for more. I am honestly surprised this map hadn’t gotten more views than it had gotten.

    Enjoyment: [​IMG]
    Balance: [​IMG]
    Durability: [​IMG]
    Aesthetics: [​IMG]
    Originality [​IMG]

    Overall: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]/10

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