Since Halo Screenshots is still borked, has an alternate way (that doesn't involve the hassle of Tinypic or Photobucket) been suggested or allowed for pictures in Forge map submissions (suching as linking to a fileset on, or are you out of luck unless you use one of the former?
No there really is no other efficient way... Photobucket isn't much of a hassle. It takes about 10 seconds to upload your pictures... just go to, save the picture to your computer from Recent Screenshots or File Share, then just upload them all at the same time by pressing Control and use the arrow keys (PC) or Command and click on all the pictures (Mac). There you go, they are uploaded. Is that really so bad?
Both Photobucket and Tinypic won't work for me because I already had accounts there, but forgot everything about them, and therefore can't recover them or make new ones.
You don't need to have a tinypic account to upload images there. I just do each picture one by one, and copy the codes into my post.