Sandbox Sandbox Stage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by x BirDThEWorD x, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. x BirDThEWorD x

    x BirDThEWorD x Ancient

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    Sandbox Stage Back Story:​

    It was on a beautiful Thursday afternoon.I was screwing around in Forge, when I thought of an idea.I said "Hey, why don't I make a stage on Sandbox."Once I finished"Forgestorming"(what the map will look like on a quick draft).It was "Forging Time!"
    Sandbox Stage Story:​
    On that night...when the moon was bright, I was going to an old deserted town that has been buried by an huge Sandstorm on 2332 to see if there were still life.Once I made it to the deserted town...It was like a graveyard.There were bones everywhere.That's when I had an idea.My idea was to dig up all this sand and restore this deserted towns pride!


    After 424 years, I found a stage that had great architecture that was barely destroyed from the brutal sandstorm.Thats when I knew that I have to keep on clearing up this sand a help this town!

    Map Overview​
    Me and my Map​

    Download Here!

    Sandbox Stage V2 will have a mic,drumset,and seats!

  2. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Well, the structure looks cool, but it's not really even an aesthetic map, because there's nothing amazing about it considering how many maps have this sort of structure throughout the whole mid-level. Aesthetic maps should be a recreation of something (usually in the halo world, but not always), or a map for clan meetings. I would suggest incorporating this structure into a full on competitive map. If you put the care that you put into this structure into the rest of the map, it could be great.
    #2 AItius, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  3. x BirDThEWorD x

    x BirDThEWorD x Ancient

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    #3 x BirDThEWorD x, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  4. MrN1ck5t3r

    MrN1ck5t3r Ancient

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    I agree a bit with AItius, only thing is that is that it needs improvement. Hell, it could turn out to be something awesome. I don't even know how to geomerge on Sandbox. Most of my Sandbox maps are in the Sky Bubble. I'm working on one doubles map right now that I called Project Ambush, since there are a couple of good spots to hide in up high.
  5. x BirDThEWorD x

    x BirDThEWorD x Ancient

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    Sorry Guys if you download the map and theres double blocks and more in the air.I will get that updated as soon as possible!
  6. halolover4549

    halolover4549 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very good, but Lack Playability/interaction

    It looks a bit empty to me, but you said you'd add instruments, so I guess it's not that bad. It's a good idea, but still lacks interaction even with the instruments. Maybe an audience, like a few seats a ticket booth ect.
    Score:8.5 out of ten
    Pretty neat it's a good idea. Will be coming with instruments
    Not much interaction or playability even with the instruments.
  7. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Some good aesthetics here, but there really is nothing else other than a small stage on a dune and a random rock. Add more things for roleplaying I guess but this map so far is not really anything special.

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