I, like most forgers, believe that forge is the best part of halo 3. I think once Halo: Reach comes out Halo 3 will be wiped off of Xbox Live. If Halo Reach doesn't have forge I will be devastated like all forgers. Please post anything you know about this subject interested gamers can find out about this gnawing question.
No there isn't. It will almost certainly have forge. Although there isn't any evidence to confirm this, bungie would be dumb not to. Forging opens up so many possibilities it isn't even funny. For example, with atlas we can play new maps all the time and it pleases the community.
There is the Halo forum. That's the proper forum for this. And Reach has it's own multiplayer, so of course it will have Forge and Customs.
I feel like this entire community has talked too little about the possibility of a Halo Reach Forge. If it does indeed exist, then just think about how much it will be improved! If it doesn't exist, well, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm still waiting to see whether or not this is Halo 4, or ODST 2.