LAN help

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Robospecta, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Robospecta

    Robospecta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey Guys every so often me and my friends have these 8 player LAN's. For our upcoming LAN on the 21-22nd of December, one of my best friends (Bodhi) has gone behind my back and invited someone who we decided we would not invite because they can get a bit roudy and stupid.(There was a lot of debate on whether to invite him or not and the person's name is Brady).

    When i tried txting my friend to tell him to withdraw the invitation we got in a fight. Now my other friends (Michael) house who we are having it at, their mum said that Brady is not allowed to come. The only problem is Bodhi can't seem to accept that and keeps making up bs.

    I made some Terms and Condtitions up for coming to LAN's do you think I should get everyone coming to sign one of these Terms and Conditions?

    Terms and Conditions:

    Lan Hosts = Michael Sinclair, Jason Stanton, Mrs. Sinclair

    1. Any property damgaged must be repayed if deemed necessary
    by the LAN hosts.

    2. Invitations may only be given out by the LAN hosts and by no
    other member, If invitations are given out by a person who is
    not host the person who invited them will have to withdraw
    their invitation and if are unwilling to do so will not be
    able to particapate in the LAN unless authorised to do so.

    NOTE: We will continue to and do discuss in a group who comes to the LAN's
    but in the end the final decision is made by the LAN
    host's. Any invitations sent out without prior acknowledgement
    and agreement from now on done without the LAN hosts knowing
    will be dealt with.

    3. Anyone who is deemed to behave unsensibly may be given a small
    time out or consequence.

    4. Any money left over at the end of a LAN will be divided evenly
    and returned the particapants of the LAN's homes.

    Please note that these Terms and Conditions are put in place to benefit
    others. Please do not take anything stated in here to be personally
    directed towards a specific person. These rules apply to all particapants.


    If not what should I do?

    And please don't tell me to get a new friend, it's just Bodhi is very opinionated.

    Please reply with advice or anything I could add to the Terms and Conditions

    NOTE:These names do not are not necessarily the people's actual names.

  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Let me get this right. Your righting up terms and conditions so your friends can come round to your house and play the xbox? O.O
  3. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not necessary at all. if his mom says no, than thats that.
    and if you ban him from a single lan party, he will learn.
  4. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    I see no reason to implement the rules. It seems the only reason you're doing this is because an unwanted guest was invited. Besides that condition (which is easily solved seeing as the owner of the house, an adult, already banned the guest), the others are all pretty much saying "Don't misbehave." And the last rule hardly makes any sense. Money? For what?

    You said it yourself, Brady isn't allowed to come, so I don't see your problem.
  5. Robospecta

    Robospecta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok Thanks guys. I guess I will scrap the Terms and Conditions. And If he doesn't like it, too bad he won't come. I know their are plenty of other classmates who would love to come play in one of my LANS.

    Thanks again for the help guys :)


    Oh and sorry about the last rule with money. You see everyone has to bring 5 dollars to pay for junk food etc.

    Thanks again

  6. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy laughed in your face because you wrote up this unnecessary crap just so he 'supposedly' can't be there.

    I find #3 f'ing hilarious, that's something you do to toddlers, if you told me to go sit in a corner, I'd probably cuss you out, steal your muneyz, and proceed to walk out your door in style like a boss.
  7. Robospecta

    Robospecta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeh and if he didn't I'd smash his face in seeing as I am a blue belt. LOL

    Thread Closed. Thanks everyone.

    #7 Robospecta, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009

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