Bungie.net : Deconstructing Construct : 12/10/2009 4:12 PM PST Pretty sweet the old design, its a pitty they didnt go with it. Its basicly a huge floating platform with friggin banshees flying everywhere ;p Have a look. Also Reach multiplayer CONFIRMED at the bottom.
Dude, Name 1 Halo Game that didn't have multiplayer. I knew they were gonna add multiplayer when It was announced. Why would anyone want to rebuild something that is already in halo 3. Its just stupid. Plus you double posted bascially the same thing on 2 different threads.
Stop being a **** dude. So what if he double posted it, that doesn't somehow give you the right to troll him. On topic though, that was a really great read. It's interesting to see how their thought mentality changed through the build and how bungies designers think basically the same way we do when designing maps. If only we had their map making tools...
I saw this yesterday. To me the original design looks like contruct with that nice cold storage kind of look/
Technically, ODST doesnt have competitive multiplayer and he was confirming that Reach had player vs player multiplayer.
I think of the h2 sp level heretic when i read that. I think it could have worked as they originally planned but in the end it's better as it is. Still very interesting, i'd like to try a budget glitched miniature of what they had in mind in the sky bubble.
I knew someone would attempt this, its actually quite a good map idea, just a bit big a tricky to pull off.
Accualty Halo 3:ODST Somewhat has multiplayer. Not really a you know kill one type game. If thats the case then **** Zombies isn't Multiplayer. Anything that has 2-4 coop is (to me) Multiplayer. This post again isn't really worth posting. Original Construct Design. If you haven't noticed Multi is already building a remake of construct. The Original Design for Construct sucks. I would rathier see a Original High Ground Design. Besides who was that retarded to ask bungie about constructs original design? Honestly?
Read you moron, he says Player vs Player multiplayer. AKA MATCHMAKING... Yes, this was worth posting, it's quite interesting, lots of people would like to see this, I can see some people actually making it, it's basicly a map design free to build. Yes I had notived multi was remaking construct, it's obv that you actually didnt read the article on the link or you would have noticed that it looked NOTHING LIKE CONSTRUCT, but it was actually a total different map that they scrapped and instead made construct, under the same vertical gameplay tense. No one asks bungie to make the articles, they just do inside interveiws, that is what bungie do! If someone did ask bungie about constructs original design then they wouldnt be retarded, they would be most likely be quite intelligent to ask a question like that seeing as tough no one knew that bungie had made an original design for guardian. So stop pretending your rainman because you look like a ****ing idiot when you do because your just either going on hearsay change a bit so it sounds right or just plain bullshit. Please in future, just SHUTUP! Also, high ground sucks, why would you want to even consider remaking it and also it would be impossible to make the whole map even with the cliffes.
"Looks at that douchebag." - Skwisgar But honestly, the Halo 3 Construct is terrible. I would love to see the original design, it's probably a whoooooole lot better.
Finally, someone who agrees with me... If I could get my hands on the original design, I'll make it immediately in the sky bubble. Or I could just change the shipped design a bit... hmm... But that was a pretty interesting read anyway. If only we had their map making tools...