The bad stays why?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Organite, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Honestly, I see some of the worst maps comes through here that required no thought or skill to make, that aren't even fun to play, and in the end weren't even worth the download, but they still remain on the front page of said threads while maps of true genius that required a thought process to create and play flawlessly die in the back-waters of the forum. Even some of my maps deserve more recognition than some popular ones. One of the bad ones that comes to mind was featured not too long ago. Featured! And the whole time we played it we sat and wondered, Why?
    I really don't want to be cynical, but when I spend hours upon hours crafting a map that I want the public to love and upon posting it I only get two or three (mostly critical) responses and then a map that looks like it was almost literally thrown together gets like 4 or 5 pages of responses (critical or not) that continuously bump it up to the first page whilst mine and the other maps I like are drowning in bandwidth.
    I mean, am I just flat-out not advertising them right? Is it convoluted or boring? Do you not like me? ha ha
    But seriously, I came here because I love to build things. I'm working on an architecture degree as I speak. Forging is what I love to do (it's all I ever do in Halo anymore). It's practically architecture with immediate results. And I post my creations in the hope for feedback from people with like interests telling me what I can improve on or what I did well; how the gameplay failed or how it succeeded; I don't care, Just tell me. At that point, at least I know what I need to improve on or what I need to keep doing.
    I know I'm ranting and I'm not positive this is even the right forum (though I'm pretty sure) but it is forge related, and I really don't want to be a self-promoter, but I'm sure many others feel the same.
    Anyway, I love to forge, and I figured forgehub would be a great place to voice my creations and recieve feedback.
    If you agree with me, say so.
    If you don't, flame away, I don't care.
    And now, against my better judgement, I'm pressing submit...
  2. used man

    used man Ancient
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    Currently, it sounds like you are just angry. Provide concrete evidence of the higher quality of your map in comparison to the popular maps, then I will consider your argument valid. Although I do agree with you for the most part, and do share your pain to some extent.
  3. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    eh, I'm not angry. just thoughtful.
    And I didn't want to give specific examples cos personally I don't like to hurt people's feelings. And I wasn't even necessarily saying my maps were superior to all others but I was more or less saying there are others that deserve more recognition. For myself however, I simply want more feedback. I know that chances are I'm not going to create a one-hit-wonder but I just want to know what people like and what they don't like in my maps.
  4. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
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    I feel the same. I see maps that are only basic items thrown down, without geomerging, interlocking, or other forging techniques. I see horrible spawns, very lazy maps, getting the most replies. Then I see the better maps, with beautiful forging, well, thought-out design - dying.

    I'm not saying I'm an awesome forger, but I put tons of time into my maps, briefly going over flowpaths and such. I've posted two maps here at Forgehub, and they get like 6 replies - mostly inbetween me and another person.

    I don't know why this happens, but it pisses me off.
  5. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A few thoughts off the top of my head.

    1. If you are serious about competitive map design, I suggest moving away from infection. Balancing an infection map takes a good concept, knowledge of player behaviour and a ridiculous amount of testing to achieve a balanced result. Putting together a competitive map requires a deep understanding of the game, its nuances, and a thorough analysis of how your map geometry promotes player behaviour, paths and encounters so you can arrive at a satisfying result. You will still require several builds and multiple testing sessions for each - the testers guild can help you to arrange these. Ask yourself if you are really following these steps to their fullest.

    2. Correctly promoting your map is key. Before you even think about preview posts you should be organising testing sessions on early beta builds of your map. This has a double benefit in that if you maintain a consistent pattern of tests with a variety of players, each one will potentially have a deeper appreciation for your map and you can leverage this when you come to promoting it to the wider community. Secondly, your personal reputation and general behaviour affects the response to your map. Thirdly, the map preview and final map post itself. The best of these will immediately draw the casual browser in to reading through your entire post. With this in mind you should be spending a few hours on your post alone (some take even longer, especially if they're including a video). Learn to use image editing software, and take your time. First impressions are critical!

    3. DO NOT RUSH ANYTHING. Even if you want to show everyone your map, it is not ready. It's never ready - improved, hopefully, but not perfect. Be critical of yourself and take the time to sit and think about your next steps, and long term plan for getting your map to completion. Make it the best it can be - and maybe try to make it a little unique, too.

    4. Realise that ultimately, you should enjoy the process of creating your map and that public recognition is a secondary benefit of that process being successful. If you want to take your design work further, I suggest getting hold of modelling software and a game you can mod, such as Unreal.
  6. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    I think its because of the fact that everyone tells them what is wrong with it, causing it to stay at the top for awile. A good example is that one in casual maps with the wraith. Thats been there for about 2 weeks and it keeps geting bumped up because no one reads the previous replys which say the same thing they type as well...
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I think someone thinks too highly of their own maps :v:

    Yes, some maps get too much attention for the wrong reasons and they normally get locked but the ones where your sat there with your friends like OHH HHEMM GEE THIS MAP R BE TERRIBLE. Thats probally coz your sat there and not playing. Those maps are more about gameplay than great forging, theres two categories, Awesome Gameplay and Amazing forging, I garantee your maps wont fit into either of those categories, it may be good gameplay and good forging but that isnt up to feature standards. Do us all a favour and instead of moping around going woe is me. Actually go and and do some better forging.

  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I completely agree with Shock here, since this the process I go through with my maps (except maybe the well decorated map post), but more important...

    ^This. Most maps of poorer quality always get the most comments in the map forums because people WANT to point out your map's flaws. It's been a problem since the day the site became popular, although it's been getting a bit worse since the beginning of this year. In reality, there's nothing you can do about it, and there is a way to look at it optimistically. If your map receives few replies, but ones that compliment your map, you know your map is a good one.
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Honestly, competitive maps bore me. Infection is literally the only thing I enjoy playing on Halo 3 anymore, and that being so I find it would be useless for me to build a map that I wouldn't even enjoy playing on. I've built competitive maps, but I've always found them so repetitive and just unenjoyable to make.

    I've organized two test sessions and the people who did show up left before I could get the game started. I test with people on my friends list all the time but they just play. They never give feedback. They always just say that was okay or that it wasn't.
    Then, How do you know what your personal reputation is when no one gives you a reputation. I have nothing to go by. I'm not the guy who makes a lot of maps, I'm not the guy who makes shitty maps. I don't have any reputation therefore my maps are just there.
    When I actually post my maps I spend around two hours putting pictures together, writing a description, giving details, etc. Often times I find the problem is not having legit action shots which I suppose is my own doing since I forget to save the films from actual gameplay, but at the same time I feel that my lack of action shots is made up in my descriptions of actual gameplay.
    As far as image editing, I have been experimenting with that. I'm actually working on a nice banner for the thing in my signature.

    Oh, believe me my friend, I criticize myself at every corner. I never believe anything I make is ready. I still go back to the first map I posted and make adjustments to it. I go back with skills that I didn't have when I originally made the map and I make it prettier or more playable. As far as unique goes, I know I like to make linear infection maps. I make them because I enjoy making them, and I'm very well aware that Its been done before but I do feel I add my own edge of uniqueness to my infection maps.

    As far as taking my modelling further, I model maps for Left 4 Dead in Hammer.
  10. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    With the recent crackdown on spam posts it's a lot easier for people to criticize bad maps than it is to write a few positive things about a maps gameplay(typically because people don't dl a map and then go play on it then return to the post to leave a review) and they can't imediately say something off the pictures.

    Making a video definitely helps, it allows the player to see the map in a more 3d sense. Pictures alone only go so far.

    In the end you should be making maps that you enjoy, having other people like it should be second priority.
  11. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Well, since we're doing numbers...

    1. Make a map for you. By that I mean, forge a map the way you want, and if others don't like it, **** 'em. Forge because YOU like the outcome. Post it because you would like to share the enjoyment you get while playing the map. If other players don't share that enjoyment, move on.

    2. If you map is good enough, it'll get noticed. Sure, good maps don't always get a lot of attention, but great maps will. It doesn't matter how much hype you build, or any of that stuff. If you create a great map, people will comment on it.
  12. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    I love how you give him so many tips to making sure his map isn't completely buried under horrible maps. The fact that you can't just setup a system that checks each thread before it is published to see if it follows the rules is just great. Instead, you take the problem head-on and tell every single person how you have to do this and this and this because you are too lazy to make a single change, even though it has been presented multiple times in the customer service forum. Hey, why was that forum put there again?

    /end sarcasm
  13. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    It is a pain to see things like this happen to my maps as well. I mean, I rarely report people but I had to last night because it pissed me off that somebody necrobumbed 2 maps and bumped 2 others which pushed my map, Duncan Hills, out of the first page. But it's not just that people are posting more on bad maps, I personally get very annoyed when people argue about a problem within the map with the creator(s) or another person. For example, in the map, The Pilory, there was one person who posted 6 times on the same map because of an arguement that he couldn't admit defeat to. While I believe that The Pilory is a good map, I don't believe that it should overshadow other maps out there. Even in my maps I think it's wrong, The Hollow shouldn't have 50+ comments and it makes me feel like my other maps aren't agnoledged as well as maps I thought were a lot better.

    But like others have said, this problem is an old one.


    I love how you criticize something you have no knowledge of, as well as how you shot down these tips cause they're not helpful what so ever. I think we should have a parade for your genious and dance as we make you a big cake with "I love Exoticnature!" on it.

    #13 Urban Myth, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  14. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We are discussing the quality of maps, not their breaking basic posting rules. When the latter happens, it is dealt with efficiently by the moderators.

    There is no 'system' we could develop that could detect whether a map was 'good' or not. To suggest such a thing is beyond ridiculous.

    As for your verging into ad hominem, perhaps you should take a moment to think through your posts before submitting them, else you embarrass yourself further by attacking me personally.

    There have been some good points made, the chief of which that average maps gain the least feedback/interest - problem maps get a wave of negative comments, and top tier maps get a wave of praise. Rebalancing that seems to me to be crucially important, and I'd appreciate any suggestions you all have that might help us shift it back towards that more healthy state.
  15. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Well, for starters you could try to code a program that will detect if a map post and screenshot has pictures or not. I'm not sure if vbulletin would allow you to do that and if it does, From my programming experience (haha high school, not great) it would be hard, but that would be a large step to what you want.

    To OP. Honestly, does it really matter that much to you. I don't really like ShaddoBlade that much (doubt you care) but I'm definately agreeing with him on this one. Make maps because you enjoy it. If people don't like yours but like others well ****'em
  16. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We could do that by porting the map database functionality across to the main boards quite easily, but the problem with requiring an image in order to post is that it tends to lead to people uploading random images (or offensive images) instead, out of spite for the 'system' that won't let them post. We saw that with the map database earlier in the year, and it's one of the reasons we've restricted its use until we can reboot the whole project.

    This is a pretty difficult problem to tackle. I'm confident we can make some progress if enough people contribute, however.
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Actually, I think that's a minor detail that's generally dealt with fairly efficiently by the staff. A problem? Sure, but nowhere near THE major concern IMO.

    Even suggesting that we "shouldn't allow bad maps" is absolutely ridiculous, even if it was possible. As long as people follow guidelines, we've given everyone an equal chance to be successful. Didn't get more e-fame for your awesome mapz0rz? the moment, it's just "too bad". It really shouldn't be a concern at all when making a map, it just restricts you and makes you pissed off when you don't get the fame (that really doesn't amount to anything) you feel you rightly deserve. Now, I'm not saying we could theoretically improve on this point, but allowing everyone equal chances whilst giving the "better maps" more coverage is something that's feasible, somewhat. And please don't suggest "a section where all the good maps go". I've that awful idea over 9000 least...
  18. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Thats true, I didn't hink of that. Well, NOrmally if a sub par map comes in, I would look at the pictures and be able to detect what kind of gameplay would it give and what things could be changed (geometry wise, flow wise, very obvious weapon wise) but I would probably get infracted. The problem is a lot can't download maps to see what can change because we don't have the time.

    It is minor, but It would be a little step. Nonetheless, your second paragraph is right. People should forge because they like it, not for fame.
  19. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    You know, I was actually relatively happy with the positive and constructive feedback from this thread. I thought I'd be getting flamed all over the place, but the Mods and heirarchs of Forgehub, who I originally had very little faith in, came back with some very inspirational words.
    And Shock Theta will be happy to know That I'm constructing a map now that is linear progression but doubles as a competitive map. (something I love to do with something he recommended me do)
    I'll post a preview when I get back in town.
    #19 Organite, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009

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