The territory game called Chambers made by Tymalex Its on sand box and Its very fun with lots of players This is the link : Halo 3 File Details AND THE PREVIEW YouTube- Halo 3 Forged Maps By Tymalex Episode 1 YouTube - TheCWfilms's Channel
Requesting thread lock, dont try get more publicity by posting your map a minute before saying "It's a preveiw coz its a minute before" Idiot ;l Infact requesting delete.
There are a few things wrong with the thread: -What B3NW said. If it is a preview, then why can we download it? -There is pretty much no description of your map. -The video shows pretty much nothing of your map, just close ups of people betraying each other and there is no look at the actual map. The small portions of the map that is seen over people's shoulders is very difficult to see because of the black and white... -You also advertised your youtube channel which is completely off topic...
Well there are a lot of things wrong with it, but maybe he included the download link so we could look at it ourselves. But you should get rid of the youtube link because that is pure advertising. As for the map itself, it doesn't even look close to a conquest map. There are no rockets and no sentinel beams in conquest. The map looks thrown together and cover. So basically as a conquest map, it really sucks and I recommend getting it reviewed by someone who knows conquest well and spending a lot more time on it. Sorry. That's because it is his friends and so he has permission to use it.
He said it was for territories, not conquest. So it doesn't need to be linear with a certain weapon selection.
Sorry, just got confused. They were using Conquest in the vid (or was it something else). But either way, way too many power weapons for such a small map.