I really want to get all the nuke titles. I've tried getting nuke countless times but failed getting so close as a 21 kill streak, can you give me some tips on getting it?.
precisely. and really find a great spot to hide. if you are playing with some kids who shoot down everything that comes in, than your best bet is not to play. or ac130. i was at a 24 killstreak, accidentaly killed my teammate with the ac130, and i died with the friendly fire message. so, with the airstrike, be very careful. and if you want to use the ac130, i would recccomend not using harrier because that might kill some team mates with the airstrike.just to be on the safe side.
It's only gonna kill them in Hardcore... He never said he was playing hardcore. Well The easiest way to go for it, is to actually GO for it. This means setting all your kill streaks to relatively high things like The harrier, pavelow, CG, Ac130, And then finally the Nuke. Camping is obviously a factor in getting it, but you have to move a little if you don't want 8 guys on the other team swarming you. Obviously getting 7 kills for your first killstreak is tough, so getting a nuke takes time.
Simple, take as many risks as possible until you get a small killstreak going, somewhere around 5. Then, play like the most cautious motherfucker there ever was. If you shoot at someone who's back is to you and you miss, run away. Avoid any chance where Murphy's law can come into effect. Once you get those last few kills to Harrier, it's smooth sailing. Just remember, if there is any chance that something can go wrong, it will go wrong. Don't put yourself in that chance zone. That doesn't mean being a camper. It just means that you aren't the first person turning a corner.
Camping in core will only get you a nuke if the other team is blatantly awful. Any decent player will watch killcam, nade your area. Thus, don't just camp in a single area, move around, but don't run-n-gun. Move from one decent spot to another, without staying at a single one for more than 3 or 4 kills. Once you get the harrier, call it in immediately and keep that position. The strike may get you a kill or two, but don't hold your breath. If the enemy team doesn't suck, you're harrier will get shot down before getting 4 kills. Being very cautious, move to another position, and hunt for your last kills. Hide in a new position, CG/AC-130 (Won't get you nuke unless it's on a very good map vs a very bad team. The last 4 or 5 kills will need to be done by cautiously moving to ideal vantage points. TL;DR - Camp, move, Camp, move, Camp, Harrier, Camp, Move, Chopper Gunner/AC-130, Camp, Move, Camp, Move, Nuke, Boast.
i run n gun in harccore to get my harrier. TDM. i cant stand objective or camping, besides search, but that wont get you a nuke.
Hmm i didnt realize it was so simple....i can easily get a nuke then. I just need to unlock it first . I easily and often get harriers and chopper gunners.
As previously stated, Harrier-Chopper Gunner-Nuke. The hard parts are the first seven kills, and finding a good enough camping spot for when you are using your Chopper Gunner.
I have tried this method many times before but after the chopper gunner i always end up with around 20 kills. Those last 5 kills is what im having trouble with. Any other suggestions?
lol. poked some holes in his logic. and thats for noooooooooooobs. but it works. ive done it b4 in s&d, and the other team hated me soooooooooo much. they were all like "wtf motha ****a" anyways, that might work, it might not. its worth a shot.
To get nukes, I play CTF and camp on D. Use the class: ACR - Heartbeat sensor. G18 - Akimbo (Replacing with any shotgun works as well) Stun Grenades Claymore Scavenger Pro Hardline Pro / Cold Blooded Pro (Matter of personal preference which one) Ninja Pro Killstreak: Attack Helicopter / Chopper Gunner / Nuke Best map to do it on is probably Scrapyard. On the side where you are defending by the three story building, I go all of the way to the right. Lay a claymore on one side of the silo-ish building with the square base, and then just camp watching the flag. I get a nuke almost every time on Scrapyard. On other maps, just use the same class but find a new camping spot. Also depending on map, I switch out the Attack Helicopter for a Harrier and/or Chopper Gunner for AC130.
Yea it depends on the map, whether or not to use an AC130 or CG. On large open maps ac130 is where its at. Because with one shot from the 105 you can get at least 3 to four kills, and then you just spawn kill them. And on city maps CG is good because you get pretty low to the ground so you can actually see the people hiding in alleyways and what not, and then all the buildings make it very difficult to shoot you down.
Just got my first nuke today on Wasteland. I was using a Tar 21 with red dot scope and a G18 sidearm. I know, simple enough? But I also used the advice I got here with a Attack Helicopter/ Chopper gunner/ Tactical Nuke. The game went basically perfectly and by the end a nuclear countdown was in the corner of my TV. My perks were: -Marathon Pro -Hardline Pro -Ninja Pro
I got mine, demolition on Afghan... We were defending and I was at target B the whole game, behind the destroyed vehicle thing, I got the harrier, that got me my CG, and the CG left me one kill from my nuke but fortunately my semtex got me a random kill.. m4(nade launcher) aa-12(red-dot) ScavangerPro HardlinePro SteadyAimPro
I just came so close to a nuke today. I was one kill away from it. ONE KILL. Then i died. I got sniped D: I had Harrier>Chopper Gunner>Nuke and i had an ACR with Heartbeat Sensor. now i'm using Emergency Airdrop>Chopper Gunner>Nuke