Nails Created by Brakessk8 Map Used: Sandbox Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametype(s) Description: A infection game about dodging wraith bullets, after 3 minutes if you survive a tank spawns to kill that wraith. Tips: I found that if you're infected aim towards the very tip of the guardian towers the slightly move towards that human spawns and shoot, I know it's high but it hits on the dart every time. Also try to play in bigger party's for more fun. Map view from infected screen Download Nails Download Hammer
This post is up to standards but im sure alot of people here at Forge Hub, including myself, would never DL something that only shows 1 picture. Please post some more, maybe some action shots, and also give a better discription (game settings, ect.) This will help you get more DL's.
you covered what to do in that one pic very nicely but can we have some more? i would like to see the map better
It looks very sloppy. The Humans would easily be able to jump off their platform and run around. It should've been made in the sky bubble. I'm sorry, but it looks horrible.
I agree with orphan. Try making the tower more symmetrical and placing it, along with the wraith, in the skybubble to keep the humans from running around.
Put some killballs on the ground or move it to the sky bubbles or something, people will just run off. More pics would be nice too.
Sorry, just one picture isn't enough. I'll have more by the end of the day. Also the humans have a lot of gravity and they have killballs at the bottom. I guess I do need some more pictures.
No need to say put more pics up because my fellow forgers have already covered that but this does look sloppy and crooked just by the one pic. Also there are many holes in the game and the tower is obviously escapable unless you go by the honror code but many players will just jump off the tower. So, it's an okay idea but you have to take it further to really catch my and a lot of other people's attention.
First. I could easily just jump off and hide on the ground. and second i would suggest using a laser rather than a scorpion. Because the infected could destroy the scorpion before the humans get in
snipers wouldn't do any thing helpful besides being able to see your impending blue doom with 10x magnification. This definitely needs to be moved to the sky bubble the platforms evened and I agree that a laser should be used instead of a scorpion.
have you even downloaded it???, i doubt it, youre probably just saying that because you cant tell what it is by one pic. asswhizz btw, i would take a couple more pics so all the idiots that cant move their finger a bit to download and actually try it out.
ha ha, noobville. But, I do agree with some of the others however. This would have made much more sense in the sky bubble. Here's my advice for version 2 (if applicable): -Put in skybubble -plant the wraith on an upside down tin-cup, it allows the wraith to rotate but not move. -Spread the stucture out a bit more, give the humans more room to move around. -Give the humans flares or bubble-shields just to give them a fighting chance.
agreed this map needs work but it could turn out good. If you do put the wraith on a tin cup it can still boost off so set up some shield doors that just stick out of the ground enough to stop that and your good. maybe a railing so the zombie won't kill themselves