The testing time will be tomorrow (saturday) at 1pm East Coast time. This will be 11am for me and will work out nicely seeing i wake up at around 930-1030 on weekends. my asset map is gonna be a hold out map. also i have tried to incorperate a descent elevator into the map to get to the hornet landing pad which should add a new style of gameplay. If you want to help me test please send me a message saying "send me a party invite i want to help test" or something like that to know its not just junk my gamer tag is: FryTheSly.
I'd like to test, but I don't have xbox live gold. The only reason I post is to make a few points. 1) If you want to attract people, post pictures of the map. 2) Thouroughly describe the map as well, it helps convince others that you took time with making your map.
the reasons i dont have pictures of my map is because i am finishing it tonight and hopefully testing tomorrow. also i do not know about the testers guild. i am not new to forgehub but i just havent really explored it that much i suppose. anywho: my asset map is gonna be a hold out map. also i have tried to incorperate a descent elevator into the map to get to the hornet landing pad which should add a semi new style of gameplay