Foundry Asset: Slips Alley

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by The Bloody Beetroots, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Slips Alley
    Well, Slips Alley is an Asset map made in the back corners of Foundry. I made this as a test to Asset on foundry, I know Melt already made one. I however, made mine rather different. In Slips Alley, you must holdout until the door opens. Then you must make your way to it and get through to the Destination. The door cannot be tempered as it relies on a Man Cannon to spawn late, and once it is open it will not close. You may only horde to stop Vergil if you are the brutes. I ran out of money upon completing the map with minimum weapons, and I had a ghost in the beginning, but after testing I realized it would be a horrible thing to have in the map. The maps theme is set in an urban alley with a locked main street door and an open-able side door. I have a background story I will put in a spoiler for those of you interested.

    YouTube- Asset: Slips Alley
    Weapons List
    Brute Chieftain
    ODST Standard
    The Story of this map
    In the center of New Mombasa, the ODST's were escortng vergil through a building to an alley. The alley had a door on the end of it with a waiting Pelican on the other side. However, the door had to be unlocked by the Superintendent for security reasons. The Covenant Brutes were approaching quickly and the ODST's went as fast as possible. The brutes jammed the door mechanism as the ODST's approached. The ODST's then disposed of the Brutes with little waste of ammunition. The Superintendent warned of more Brutes and multiple Cheiftains on the way to stop the evacuation of Vergil. The Superintendent also told them that they could not get through the door but the parking garage to the left had access to a sub basement of a neighboring building.

    The ODST's prepared grabbing the only weapons they could find to fight off the brutes, a Sniper, and a Shotgun. They then searched for a proper holdout until the Superintendent could unlock that door. They saw an abandoned upper story hallway with a connection to the building they were in earlier. They took up and the brutes came to finish the fight.....

    Slips Alley
    Asset V2

    Special Thanks
    rifte gifle- For giving advice and doing the spawns on the map, along with also building the stairs that lock the room in the map.

    ROFLninja- For keeping watch as rifte gifle did, and generally giving me ideas as I went.

    Canadians360- For watching through my live feed because you were unable to actually play the map.

    Testers-All of you submitted ideas and tested multiple games with me on short notice. Thank you.
  2. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks great ! i REALLY LOVE YOUR SNIPER AREA its ver astetics ! If you need help for testing i will be there with all my friend !
  3. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    I've heard quite about this map especially in the forums and I'm pretty impressed and I like the theme of the map. The door mechanism is cool and I'm glad you incorporated it into asset. I have got to play this. The only thing I don't like is the pics. The alternating pics are REALLY annoying! I do not have the patience required to wait 5 seconds for a picture I want to see appear.
  4. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Thanks, and the gifs are 2.5 and 3 seconds.
    Also, anywhere you see a standard foundry door, there is a brute reciver node fromt heir sender hub.
  5. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    This map looks really nice. As I said in the LOL Box, I was confused on how this could be an Asset map but now I understand the concept. First of all, the map looks really smooth and aesthtically appealing and that is obviously a plus. And evidently, it's an Asset map on Foundry. How cool is that!?! Everything is unique on the map including the door thing and every other structure. So seriously nice job mate and I definitely will be DLing this for future use :)
  6. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    I am making s a slightly different Competitive version of this. Also, it took maybe three or four hours on and off forging, versus without ghost merging it would have took relatively around a month.

    I need suggestions for the competitive version. Weapons, Add or remove things, whatever floats your boat.

    Post 117

    RIPPINFEAR Ancient

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    I help make and test assets it's nice to see a new member of it. Just some advice don't make maps like this for asset. read the asset guide for some cool ideas. Looks good and I will test.
  8. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Just some advice, read the frogehub rules. Don't explicitly rate a map without downloading it.
    Also, I have one of my threads non map in the Asset thread. I had rifte gifle help with a part of this map.
  9. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You kidding? Have you tested this yet? Have you even watched the video, or acknoledged the incredible merging? And you have the nerve to say "Dont make maps like this for asset" and then volunteer for testing? Geez...

    As for the map, it's fantastic. The merging is incredible, and I can see quite the unique asset games on this. Fantastic job.

    Although, I'm wondering about how the game is going to work out. With only sniper and shotgun, I don't see how you'd be able to have enough ammo. I'll have to get a few games in before I say any more. Great job, man.

    RIPPINFEAR Ancient

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    Ok sorry if I seemed rude it's just it seems to small I mean look it's just seems small to me. I like the look but it seems like a competitive map to me. I hope I didn't piss you off or something. I just think it is small. And I'm waiting for some of my friend to testy this look is great game play unknown.
  11. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's ok. If anything, I'm glad you apologized. I've been on the site for only a couple months now, and I've seen way too much spam. Welcome to forgehub, make sure to read the rules, and above all, have fun.

    Back to the map. After an in-depth forge-through and a couple games with 8 people, I can conclude a couple of things.

    1) There aren't enough weapons for the ODST's. This is counteracted, however, by the fact that the round is only 3 minutes. It would be nice though, if possible, to add a few more weapons for the ODST.

    2) The layout is very nice. The teleporter system works, but the problem with it was camping. If the budget allows, you should try to add a few more entrances for the covenant.

    Those were the only problems I found with the map. It's fantastic all together, and I can't wait to see more from you. Great Job.
  12. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was about the only problem i had testing this map. 2 entrances i believe, so not enough. Maybe for an updated version try to make an area or 2 where brutes can fall in from the top. Other than that very interesting game to say the least.
  13. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    The Covenant entrances where spread out and more than 2. The Cheiftain had his own entrance. Than the regulars had 4.
    Thanks for the comments on my first completed map.

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