I knew this, but if you manage to get the grav lift at that point in time, you deserve to get to the top. 1 could work, but it would take a lot of work, and I'm not sure if there would be enough room for objects... 2 can and will work 3 the danger isn't getting splattered, its mostly getting buried, I just think that it would give them a more predictable trajectory, and it takes lots of money. 4 Shouldn't happen, ever, because then you can't jumps out of the pit (even if there are teleporters, people still like to jump out. If you want to make this variation of my game, go right ahead, and you'll get all of the credit.
Another thing, if a player gets hit by a object and have no sheilds, you can be a jerk and plasma pistol them. It's fun to people who join my customs
This was really fun. But once the warthog I was driving flipped over the shield doors around the edge of the pit when I tried to push a pile of blocks in.
This was one of the most original and most fun maps I have ever played. If you can make a v2, that would be amazing.
i downloaded this quiet a while ago, it is a reat laugh with friends and a very good game ( almost like garbage man) keep up the good work