This is Forge Hub's Screenshot of the Week, equivalent to Signature of the Week in Graphics & Arts, except with Halo 3 screenshots. If this goes well, I will be continuing this and hopefully it becomes popular. Last weeks theme was Electricity, Congratulations to Ac3Snip3r with this picture! Each week I'll come up with a new theme, then you go out and capture a screenshot that represents that theme. The community then votes for which screenshot should win, and why. Feel free to recommend themes to me via PM or via This Thread 1 Week for submissions of the Screenshots and 1 week for voting. Now to start. This Weeks Theme was Nature/Environment.. To Vote say the name of your favorite screenshot's maker. Submissions: Black Thereom mooseIV Crypto nv AceOfSpades Alec944 Ac3Snip3r Krazy Kumquat Blue Pariot WaxyPumpkin72
Crypto nv The shot actually looks extremely real and he captures the theme of the week the best in my opinion.
I like Black Theorem's shot. It has a nice lighting and with the circles of light in front of the tree look cool. Nature is taking over the building!
To be honest I like Moose's but I'm not sure how well it fits with the Nature theme. I will have to go with Blue Patriot because that a really original screenshot.
Thanks for the vote. And I think that because you pointed that out, I'll show you this (A VM from Orange): If my first submitted shot was rejected because it only had air, why is Moose's sill here? (I'm not trying to be mean to Moose, he's a really good screenshot taker. If it was anyone else, I'd still bring this up.) Oh, I vote for Theorem. The positioning is great and the simple effects just adds to the overall quality.
I actually like waxy pumpkin's, I'm surprised this is his first vote. He said my submission was fine because I have clouds in it.