I started working on this as an Asset only map, but then I realized that I could do something more. I decided to make this map a hybrid of sorts between Asset and Judgment (hence Assment). It's basically an Asset spin-off, and it's almost ready for its release. I just still need to work out a few bugs with it (mainly a spawning issue) but it's fully playable at the moment and a ton of fun (lol). First Room (In here for 90 seconds) Second Room (Also in here for 90 seconds) Finale (In here for 150 seconds) Attacker Spawn (Leads to Death Teleporter you need to escape) Death Room (Right outside of Defender's Spawn) Brute Barracks Special Classes Spawn (One for Chieftan, the other side is Brute Stalker) Watching our flank (Why is Youtuber still red? Hax) Running to the final room (epicly merged tunnel, btw) There's a sentinel beam too (!) ________________________________________________________________ Expect this to be released soon as an Asset spinoff.
This indeed is no joke I have played it and I like it. It literally is the perfect balance of Asset and Judgement. The only problem which is just a small issue is that duel weilding is stopped when you go through the mongoose. Oh and isnt the gametype called Spoiler judgeset
wow good asset map ! I think you are the first guy who have forge a asset map on a lengendary map ! No really good job and still waithnig for a final post !
Not the first. You're free to release this anytime you want, Debayter. I think if you fix the ghost window it's as good as it'll get.
This was actually really fun, considering its on ghost town i would like to see a sandbox one! If its done then i would want to see this posted, its a load of fun.
Beautifully incorporates judgment and asset and I had a lot fun trying it out in the early stages (1st game spawns ****ed me up and I was asset. Least to say, I got screwed). You fixed the ghost right, the one that some dumb player kept getting out and driving through the map. Sorry I haven't played it in a long time and I was just wondering. I never made it to the end though, and all of the games I played were ties. And personally I likes judgset better than assment.
Thanks for the comments guys. I still want to look at some things before I post it, which I'll probably get to either late tonight or Friday. I did fix the window in the first room, and I added in a high platform in the final area so the Asset and his team can choose to camp up high if they want to. Since I'll be busy, and I want to make the post look decent, I'll try to get it up some point this weekend.
I played this with you about a week ago, it's sexydelicious fun. I've never played regular Judgement before but even combined with Asset it's definitely fun and easy to get into. If you're gonna test it again soon or just need an extra guy to play, feel free to invite me.
This looks to be a great concept, mixing Asset and Judgement into one, but there is one glaring flaw. ASSMENT!? SERIOUSLY? You could not think of a better name? I could only imagine the jokes cracked during testing. "Ass mints, how do those taste LOLZ". Why not invasion? Or breach? The brutes are 'breaching' or 'invading' the stronghold. Eh? eh? EDIT: In response to Rifte Gifle's most recent post O lolz.