Sandbox Sentinel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by superduper66, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    Sentinel is a Symmetrical Map influenced by an amazing map, known as The Pit. It isn't a remake, but much of its design was based off the core concept of The Pit. Sentinel is a team map that takes place in the Crypt Level of Sandbox and is designed for intense games of 4v4 Slayer, CTF, Oddball, and Assault, as well as being a great FFA map for Slayer, King, and Oddball. The map is actually designed to support default Assault Rifle starts fluently, full of much cover, plenty of weapons, and many key points of the map to spawn safely in and take control of. Key features of this map include: Plenty of cover for safe spawning, a wide-variety of weapons, key structures to control (including a Sniper Tower, center structure, and underground hallways), equal weapon sets for each team (except the neutral power weapons of Shotgun, Hammer, Rocket, Active Camo and Sentinel Beam), and an even amount of long range, medium range, and CQB combat.

    Red Side

    Red Sniper Tower (1 Brute Shot, 1 Sniper)

    Red Objective Capture Point + Regen + BR

    Red Starting point/Courtyard

    Red Underground Entrance/Courtyard

    Rocket Hall

    Active Camo/Power Drain/Shotgun

    Courtyard - Tower

    Bottom Mid - Hammer

    Upper Mid - Red

    Upper Mid - Sentinel Beam

    Weapon Loadout

    Battle Rifle x6 (10 Sec)
    Assault Rifle x2 (10 sec)
    SMG x4 (10 sec)
    Spiker x4 (10 sec)
    Needler x2 (90 sec)
    Brute Shot x2 (120 sec)
    Sniper x2 (1 clip, 180 sec)
    Shotgun x1 (0 clip, 90 sec)
    Hammer x1 (150 sec)
    Rocket (0 clip, 120 sec)
    Sentinel Beam (150 sec)

    Frag Grenade x8 (10 sec)
    Plasma Grenade x6 (20 sec)
    Regen x2 (120 sec)
    Power Drain x1 (90 sec)

    Active Camo x1 (!80 sec)

    #1 superduper66, Dec 9, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Aesthetics and forging are nicely done. Although for places like in the second picture you might want to consider ghost merging (The ramp into the wall).

    And while the sentinel beam fits the theme you might want to scratch it. It's an unfamiliar weapon for a lot of players and that might turn them away from the map.
  3. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    I agree. This is the first stage of the map, so I'm definitely accepting any feedback.

    I don't see a real reason to scratch it. The fact that players aren't familiar with it isn't a good reason. I don't see a reason to scratch a perfectly suitable weapon. If people are turned away by a mere Sentinel Beam, then that's their problem. :p

    Now if it was overpowered, or underused, then I may consider it for removal. Thanks for the feedback :)
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Sentinel beam is a very uncommon weapon, but if it plays well in the map this will not turn anyone away. It appears you did everything right. Floors are merged flat, everything is at the appropriate angles, and the shape of the map flows well, and most of all it integrates the different variations in height. The weapons appear especially carfully placed, and the spawn times fit. The only thing it lacks is something to make it stand out from other maps, but it is still great. Thanks for using such an underused weapon such as the sentinel beam.
  5. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey men i take your make and i did a really cool version so if you want see it ?!! So great map i really love the concepts of the same structure of the pit , Good weapon choice and just join my game for see my versiioon !

    GT : DANJESS99
  6. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    I like this one. I just played a huge 6v6 on this map, using a Spec Ops Gametype I made. It was a blast, I never bounced off an object too high, and rushed that sentinel beam. Sentinel Beams=CARNAGE!!
    #6 Le Hefe, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm getting an error from bnet when trying to click the DL link, and the map's not in your linked gametag's fileshare. What's the deal?
  8. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I really like the design and simplicity of it. I am a little skeptical about the Sentinel Beam because it's ridiculously overpowered and can kill anything in like, 2 seconds. However, it's large respawn time and the design of the map looks like it will make it a much contested power weapon, which can be a fresh change opposed to the standard battle for Rockets/Sniper/etc. I downloaded and will see if I can get a game going on this later on.
  9. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    Compared to the rest of the map, the Red Sniper Tower looks like an afterthought; While most of Sentinel has a unique design and feel, the tower looks rather ordinary, and seems to lack the care in construction seen in other parts. Adding some aesthetic features or using a less standard design would certainly help finish off the map.

    Other than that, Sentinel looks like a cool, calm, and collected map, with a good deal of character and unique style. Great work!

    #9 Moxus, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  10. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Mind giving me a link to where you downloaded it? I tried FF, IE, and Chrome, and I'm still getting a "File Not Found" error message.
  11. Emo Blood

    Emo Blood Ancient

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    This is a really cool map! It reminds me of an MLG map! I live how smooth it looks! Keep up the good work!
  12. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Once again the design looks as if the gameplay would be great but I can see some bumps from the pictures that need to be fixed and I don't think this really brings anything new to Forgehub. Still good job on a smooth map.
  13. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    How long have you been playin halo ... if u havent played with the sentinel weapon ...well im not gonna say it here . pick it up and pull the god damn trigger its not rocket science,****.. anyway dude the map looks awesome keep the sentinel weapon in , its your map ...great job.4-5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  14. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    I'm confused, did you use my map and add to it? or did you make your own?

    Oh really? I wonder how 6v6 goes on here, lol. Well glad to know it was fun. How did the spawns work for 6v6? I'm curious. Did people spawn safely? Because the map was intended for 4v4-5v5, not really squad-size.

    Really? I was using Safari, that may be why. I'll update the link to a Firefox link. Sorry man, lol : Halo 3 File Details

    It isn't really that overpowered, especially since their aren't many huge lines of sights, plenty of power weapons, and plenty of BRs around the map that easily make it not as powerful. Also, the long respawn helps a bunch too. It was designed to be a very contested weapon, and a tough area to completely lock down too, due to the openness of it. I'd think the Power Drain was more powerful here :p

    Yea, I was running out of useful ideas sadly. That, and lack of budget. The budget killed me here. But they are usable and aren't overpowering, despite the looks. I don't like how on The Pit, the main area of focus is the Sniper Tower. I made sure to make the Sniper Tower still a great height advantage, but not with ridiculous sight lines. the Towers did take much care, though. More so in some parts than others, actually. Interlocking all the parts together is no easy task, when trying to be neat. I don't have much budget to make them look better, so for now, they shall remain quite plain. Thanks for the criticism. Is there any advice to things I could delete for more budget?

    Well, my goal wasn't really to be an entirely new concept, but there aren't very many maps like The Pit out there, when you think about it. What bumps specifically were ou talking about? I know the ramps aren't geomerged, but what else?

    Thanks guys for the feedback. I'll get to fixing the link (hopefully), so if any of you had problems, hopefully the will be fixed. Thanks again. Spikers + Sentinel Beam + competitive map = MLB: Major League BUNGLE :p

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