I have built an extremely Tall map on Halo, it is assymtrical and is built for 1 sided CTF, TS, 1 sided Assault, and Territories. The map has a tower touching the roof in the center, it is sorrounded by four towers which are connected in a rectangular shape on two sides with block tubes and on two sides by walls. one side is broken, and i used a piece of the tower to make it look like a chunk fell off and broke the wall bridge.On one spawn side there is a sqaure spiral which goes up about 7 or 8 block larges high. in the center of the top there is a bridge where flag, bomb detonation, territory, etc. is. on the other side a base resembling a base on sanctuary ( halo 2 map) is. In the center, below the tower, the crypt drop is left open, where a teleprter is. if you drop down sucessfully it launches you on to the platform where the flag, territory, etc. lies. if u fail and bounce off the walls on the way down you will still manage to land on the 3rd or 4th floor of the spiral. the map has scenery in the middle and all around that resembles an ancient crumbling city. The two wall bridges each have a sniper, which can be compared to the bridges on Canals ( Gears of War map) sniper battles. There is a hornet, A Spartan Laser, Rockets, and other standard Halo weapons on the map. It needs some work, but if anyone is interested in helping add Tyier Lyons and I will forge with you asap. Thanks
what do you mean? i didnt see the " pictures would help" and i know, but i would really like to do more work to the map before i start showing it. i have built nearly 250 maps over the years and would say i am nearly a pro forger, i never seem to finish maps because i get bored with the concept or get lazy. i assure you i have many good maps and if you would like to see them or help me just add my gt.
That doesn't particularly help. This discussion is kind of pointless, give us something to see or it's obviously wasting people's time. Message me when you have something and I'll unlock the thread. :lock: Oh, and "pro forger" means that you get paid to Forge. Do you? I sure don't...