Sandbox Asset: RidgeSide

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Ell3ment, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I loved this map. That's the best thing I can say. Gunner, Ell3ment, you guys blow me away everytime. I always feel down when I see your maps get out because for 1, they are forged to perfection. 2, the always play well, and 3, they are always creazy and creative, and 4, They are way better than anything I can think up. You guys had more testing time then it took to forge the map which is pretty damn descriptive of your guys' determination to improve. I really want to start making the conquest map with you Gunner, like really soon. It would lift my spirits. hah. Great job and great map. It needs some rain pallets, but otherwise its basically perfection ;)
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Gunnergrunt and Ell3ment make a perfect team. It may seem weird but, one of my favorite things about this Asset map is the fact that your cover looks natural and appealing. I just love how the two of you continue making maps of this calibar, I've never been disapointed in anything you two have made and this map is one of your best I believe.
  3. x BirDThEWorD x

    x BirDThEWorD x Ancient

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    Hey Ell3ment,send me a Message if I can be a Tester to any of your maps.Big Fan of Asset.Your map is the best so far!
  4. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    I remember testing this map once a looong time before it was released, it's definitely one of the best Asset maps so far.

    I always try to join your games whenever it says you guys are playing it, but somebody always takes the last slot, haha. Feel free to, y'know, actually let me in sometime. :p
  5. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Very good ell3ment and Gunnergrunt.. this is by far the best Asset map i have seen in forging and gameplay for sure. The use of the shield door room is tricky, its good when vehicles are outside, but tough when chieftins spawn due to the tight space to shoot them in which requires alot of strategy. I also like the mix of mancannons for the specialty class spawns. I dont really see any problems with this, and it seems the gameplay wont get boring compared to other Asset maps..

    Good job 5/5
  6. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm speechless. I can't really describe my enthusiasm. All I can say is... bravo. Bravo to both of you. This really is, by far, the greatest asset map out there.
  7. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    After all the teswting, its here. as usual, the GG el3ment collab is amazing. I liked how easy it was for the attackers to access the main holdout building so they dont have to walk up a gigantic hill. Aestheticly wise it's pretty awesome, the H sign is pretty cool. 5-6 minutes was sometimes too long, and often the VIP was killed before the hornet spawn, but it still played very well and I did have a wonderful time testing.

    Awesome job Ell3ment and GG.
  8. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Yeah man seriously awesome loving the main structure. You can really see that planning was vital in the making of this. A worthy download =P
  9. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks given, glad to hear you enjoy our work. Personally i think testing is one of the most important things you can do for your map. I find a rigorous amount of testing reveals any flaws and/or adjustments you need to make in forging to smooth gameplay as best as possible. Anytime i see v2 of maps that just tells me you didn't test enough or at all.

    And yes, raining pallets would have made it more awesome.
  10. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    + Layout rivals Protocal's!
    + I like the new spawn areas for special classes.
    + Its asset, nuff said.

    - I say this on every asset map but...I still want a little more variety for the covenant.

    This is one of those maps that you just cant take off your hard drive!

    Score: 9/10
  11. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Meh, great map but you should make a few changes:
    -Everytime I played the map, no one used the special classes. You need to have people spawn in the special classes room, not have to enter a teleporter.
    -It's very easy to camp in front of the teleporters and kill them when they spawn. When they shoot back, you can just camp around the corner and rinse/repeat. You should add a shield door to the teleporters and have some other way for vehicles to get out (Like maybe spawn in the air).
    -Map got very boring after a while, probably because the hornet never came because no one worked together. It kind of feels like this map requires too much teamwork to have fun. Not sure how to improve that, but I'm sure there's a way.

    Without Changes: 7/10
    With Changes: 9-10/10
    #31 ExoticNature, Dec 18, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2009
  12. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
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    This is a great map, well forged, good gametype, fair gameplay, and a great way to promote teamwork. This game gave me and my friends hours of fun. There are many different strategies that people can use on this map but this best one would be that after 6 minutes when the hornet falls, someone in a banshee could "tackle" the falling hornet out of the air.
  13. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You DO spawn in a specialty class room when they open in the rounds. If you read my post you would have seen that i incorporated seperate rooms and delayed mechanisms to unblock the spawns in those rooms at certain times. The teleporter is only used at four minutes(when it opens) for the vehicles that spawn at that time. It's not that your people didn't use them, it's that they didn't last long enough to get a chance to.

    This issue came to our attention very early in testing. The answer is that you are invincible as an attacker for ten seconds when you spawn. As long as they don't stand there and stare at you they get to go on about there buisness. On top of that you are drastically weaker without the company of your VIP, so it's not a good idea to try and camp there anyway.

    There are three minute asset games for those not capable of enough teamwork to lasting six minutes. I don't see a reason to make this map easier for people to win, I like challenge personally and most dedicated asset lovers prefer this map.
    #33 Ell3ment, Dec 18, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2009
  14. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Meh, I find your explanations poorly adequate. :(

    -In that case, if you do spawn in the special spawn rooms, I recommend having one or more of them open sooner than they already are.
    -If you want to make Teamwork better, I suggest giving better stats to whoever is in the VIP's influence range.
  15. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My explinations are not inadequate, you just didn't read enough into my origional post before submitting your thoughts on what you assumed was wrong.

    The jet pack brute opens thirty seconds after the attackers are killed in there starting room? how much sooner do you need to be special? Besides they are meant to be incorporated into your assault on the VIP not your main weapon.

    Asset is not my gametype, i just made a map for it. Feel free to look through the links IN my post and have a glance at what you're talking about.

    I took this directly from the link called ASSET GAMETYPE EXPLAINED.

    #35 Ell3ment, Dec 18, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2009
  16. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    If you had realized that I had not read through the post, you would've taken that info and used it to be more tactful.

    Lol, "special", you put that weird. And if special classes aren't the "main weapon", what's supposed to be?

    Your thread, your map, your gametype. You can change it whenever you want.
  17. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The main weapons for the attacking team are all placed in their spawn room. Once again, in the main post. The specialty classes open up as the round progresses, granting the attackers better weapons and traits.

    That's like taking MLG Slayer and starting everyone with needlers. If you wanna play a game of Asset, just join me up sometime and I'll put on a game for ya. Then you can come back and comment here when you know what's up.
    #37 Gunnergrunt, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  18. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Nice job on the map guys. I would've been up for helping you test it but I guess I've had my hands full with Borderlands and Assassins Creed. Anyways I love the layout and think that the center structure is absolutely gorgeous. Eventhough ghost merging has made maps a whole lot easier to build you guys still step it up a notch. My only complaint is that on the thread there are too many action shots and not enough pictures of the actual map itself. Otherwise it's a great post with some awesome art design. Well done, and next time you see me on feel free to send me an invite and I'd be glad to come play this!

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