Hello Again Forgehub, Devil95 again. I'm here this time to give a Mini-game Idea. This is sorta like Asset. Okay heres the Idea. Basically, 1 Team (Red) were protecting their V.I.P, However! Theres a twist. The Red team sits high above in this cage but there able to walk all the way around the map while the blue team goes on the ground and takes out the V.I.P. Sorta Like Asset Again. Okay heres the picture. They have to use snipers in order to save the V.I.P and get him to the CHOPPA. Red Team on a Blacany, Blue team on the ground. What Do you think?
So the V.I.P. is on the ground with the enemy, and their team has to protect them by sniping the enemy? How will you get the V.I.P. to spawn in a certain area?
From what I've understood of your post, which isn't much, I'd say its a bit weak. You haven't mentioned whether the blue team get any cover or what weapons they get, whether its snipers or something else. Theres no excitement, no challenge. Its just , shoot a VIP in a cage and the round ends.. theres needs to be more than that. So far, it seems really simple and quite flawed. I'd scrap it or give it alot more thought.
Or... you didn't read it right. The VIP is on the ground and his team mates are above the map sniping the enemies. Basically The VIP can advance through the area only by his teammates taking out the oncoming hordes of enemies. Its a good idea, but it just needs to be carried out well
It could actually be fun. To make the V.I.P be the only one on his team out there, you can have him spawn with everybody else, but have a one-use door or something that only allows one person to leave the cage. Sure, someone on the team could just run out, but in order to score the V.I.P has to be the one to leave.
Bingo! Thats exsactly what I mean't. However, I can't see a way how to get the V.I.P on the ground besides him being able to get in and out of the car. That allowing him to enter the field. If he doesn't then a killball will kill him. I hope this Idea makes some what sense. I can't really explain it in words very well as I can Hear.
To kind of bounce off your idea, you could have one guy in the air while the rest of the team is on the ground escoutring the VIP. The guy in the air would be like the guy in the AC-130 in that one mission in Cod 4, when u cover ur team with gunship support. So basicly while the ground troops and VIP are advanching through the map to get to the choppa or whatever, the guy in the air could use the resources at his disposal to cover you. You could have temate waypoints on to get blue arrows for frendlies and give a custom powerup to the guy in the gunship that lets him see enemy waypoints, that way he could acuratly discern red enemies from your blue team which would make aming alot easier. The scorpion could be the 105, maby like a secured banshe that banshe bombs for the 50 (or is it the 45?), and turrets for the gatling gun. The only thing is that you would need a complicated system to separate the VIP and make sure he ALWAYS ends up on the ground. Personaly, I would make the VIP heavier [200% gravity] and force him and the rest of the team through a mancannon at the start of the game. This way the VIP would land on the closer platform and the rest of the team with normal gravity would land on the father platform. From there each platform would have another teleporter that leeds to a narrow verticle tube. The VIP receiever would be above the normal gravity receiever. You would then fall to the bottom of the tube where 2 teleporters are located. The second tele from the bottom would take you to a box, that way after the first person gets teleported there, no one else can get in. After that, everone else goes through to the teleporter below, which leads to the ground floor. The reason the VIP receiever needs to be over the normal receiever is so the VIP can't be the first one down and wind up in the gunship. The first guy would get out of his box by eather having yet another tele unblocking after a set amount of time or maby a gravlift spawning. Anyway, all this would happen in the first 10 or 20 seconds of the game. Well, that's all i got - did this help????? And I'm currently working on a map that uses the VIP seperator mancannon thing so if you don't get what I'm talking about just ask me.
This actually sounds like a really good idea. Good luck. If you ever need help, feel free to ask me. To make it simple, I would have the entire VIP team spawn the sniper box. You would have to set the traits off all of the teams to work right (VIP=low health, no damage; VIP team=invulnerable, regular damage; Attackers=regular health, low damage (depending on if you want the VIP to not do any damage, the attackers to be standard kills for the snipers, and if you want the VIP to be equally easy to kill for the attackers, considering the lowest damage resistance is 10%, then 50%, and the lowest attack modifier is 25%, next 50%.)) As I said, the VIP team would spawn in the box, and after however many seconds you choose, maybe 10 or twenty, a bunch of fusion coils spawn, dropping in on the entire team, killing the VIP but not his teammates. It would probably be best to counter the fact that the VIP may spawn a couple seconds late depending on lag by making it so that the fusion coils spawn at start (if you want the VIP to die right away, not giving the attackers much any time to prepare before he respawn if you have short respawn times) with a 10 second respawn, so you can have them spawn two to three times before you spawn in a roof to keep them from falling any more, just to make sure the VIP is killed every time. There are a couple other ways, but that is one of the simplest to do without screwing up the VIP's movement traits; that is unless you actually want him to be able to jump really high. If that is the case, then you can just put a teleporter rather high up, at the ceiling, where only he can reach with 50% to 75% gravity while his teammates have 200%. It may also be good to consider if you want to have all of the structures in the map open roofed so that the VIP team can snipe the attackers at all times, and if so, you may want to consider giving the attackers poor camo to at least give them a chance to not be seen by the attackers. You may also want to give the VIP camo if he can be killed easily by the attackers. If you do give the attackers roofed cover, you should have it rather sparsely placed throughout the map so that they can't create any choke points that the VIP can't get past without dying while they are in complete cover. It may also be a good idea to give the attackers short-ranged weapons or something to give the VIP a chance to get past them. You never mentioned what kind of weapons anyone other than the VIP team will have, or if it will be one life per round for the attackers or how the movement / camo / waypoint traits will be for anyone either. It's hard to offer much solid advice when we're given so little to work with other than the main concept.
This is similar to a Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops mission in which one player protects another from an AC-130 gunship while the other tries to reach a destination in the given time. The darkness makes the weapons of the ground person (hereafter VIP) mostly useless, however the attached laser can designate targets for the gunner. The difficulty is that the team attempting to kill the VIP must die frequently and without substantially damaging the VIP but still be able to kill him. Giving the VIP a laser with infinite ammo, but with 0% damage would allow him to paint targets for the gunners but without doing damage, thus emphasizing teamwork. Otherwise the VIP should have only close range weapons since again the main support for the VIP should be from the gunners. For the location of the map I suggest a sandbox map in the dunes, and either juicy or gloomy on so the VIP is visible with overshields, and attackers are mostly invisible which would also create the need for the VIP to paint targets with the laser. VIP ideally might have 4X overshields, regular or reduced damage resistance, and little or no shield recharge. Asset may actually be the best gametype for this, but the distance for the VIP to cross will vary on the number of players you wish to support. I really need to know more about what you are going for before I can help more
Thats Exsactly Where I got the Idea From. I was gonna remake the AC-130 but many problems. Anyway, I will be forging this Idea. It Will release in early 2010 thou. Thanks for the comments guys.