I found out how to Hi-Def-ify shots. All you need to do is resize, blur and sharpen a few things. Anyways, I edited some shots to see how it worked out. I'll post the Hi-Def'd version, then the original, with a link to the original file. Some may be on my old GT, an emo orphan. Impact ^^Hi-Def ^^Original Original File Shockwave - I don't like this one much, first one I Hi-Def'd ^^Hi-Def ^^Orignal Original File Venemous ^^Hi-Def ^^Original Original File Warlord ^^HI-Def ^^Original Original File What do you think?
Yeah you screwed up the proportions on all of them and they don't even look any better than the original.
Huh. My monitor is super janky, they look better on mine :/ Anyways, blurring the edges of limbs that are farther back and sharpening the limbs that are closer up gives a more realistic look to it.
Now I see it. Had a bit of trouble, but I can see what you're talking about. The regular pictures are great, no need to HD it.
hmm HD images are completely defined.. they dont have blur on them and the sharpened bits arent over sharp that you can see shards... your HD images only make the screenshots appear a lesser quality of computer graphics lol.
Yeah it's my janky computer My computer makes everything look blurry, these looked sharp and crisp on my screen.
Hay dawg, I herd you dont know your lingo so ima tell ya that your not really making something high def by sharpening it. your basically adding depth. Like Whisper, Shrinking/Sharpening =/= HD
Unique effects on Shockwave Eye-catching glow on Venemous (its actual spelling is Venomous ) Those are pretty much the ones I liked out of the four. Nice job with the sharpening thing, too.
Im just lookin around on the forums and i saw your pictures! They are awesome!!!! I love the first one!