I've been messing around with screenshot rooms and some more popular effects recently, mainly avalanche and orbital. Lemme know what you think Cavern Vert Luster Return Celestial Enter After Heavy Fire Silver Sniper Crystalline How you liek?
Wow. Those are awesome! My favorite was probably the first one. I didn't really like "Vert." I've seen that effect a lot. Overall: 8.5/10
I think this one looks th emost epic and best. All of them look great but this one is the best. For all of them ill give you a 9/10
Very nice... I like Cavern, Celestial, and Enter After (actually, I just like the name. Enter after is a great name). 8/10 there were some lackluster ones.
This would have to be my favorite effect of the bunch, maybe get another pose from the spartan. And besides Celestial, some of them need a little work. Like Cavern and the last two.
Celestial has got to be my favorite. It looks incredibly unique and the beams flying off him really give it a cool feel. The lighting on "Luster" is kind of weird though. I cannot really see everything going on. However, every other one is different to each other and all have a interesting atmosphere that emerges from each. Nice work!
Thanks for all the feedback. I'm doing some more sessions, and the best screenshots I get from those will go into another post. Along with some more "Celestial" effects.
how the heck did you make the sillouette in celestial? anyways could you show me how you did that shot?
It's hard to say how I did it, really. Here are the steps I remember. 1) The shot takes place in the ice room of avalanche. 2) The FX I was using were Gloomy and Colorblind. 3) Make sure that you are invulnerable, and have forced color-black. 4) In the Ice room, first set down a trip mine. 5) Walk slowly on top of the trip mine, and throw a plasma grenade straight down. If done correctly, and paused at the right time, you should get the Celestial effect.