Hello yet again fellow forgers, this time l337beanbag brings you a Jack 'o' lantern! Very little else to say but nonetheless, i made this to get into the spirit of Halloween and i think i succeeded, it's not massive but at least it looks like what it's supposed to be so that explains why it's in the aesthetic section DL: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Front view Size comparison (sinister thing isn't it?) The Maw of hell (^proof of creation^) I plan to base a map around this later, Headless Horseman, so look out for that, beanbag out. EDIT: CRAP SCREENIE FAILURE WILL FIX SOON
If those are the pictures it looks cool, just wish people were making these pumkins playable instead of just for looks.
Honestly, somebody yesterday posted a map of a jack o' lantern and it looked a lot better than this. But still, it's hard to make pumpkins since they are almost sphere shape. Nice job, it's pretty hard to make something like this.