Bungie.net Community proyect: Halo Reach Community photo 2.0.[ SUBMITING TIME ] Community photo thread at Bungie.net. I'm back with the community photo proyect, some of you could know me from the past ODST commnuity photo, if you are new to this, keep reading. As a support for the incoming game I will be receiving entries (screenshots), the screenshots will be edited and turned into an enourmous collage of pure community awesomness, if you want to show Bungie what the commnuity can do follow this steps. Steps: You must also know that: Interesting links: -hr10 gallery -ODST community photo -ODST community photo (Inked) -ODST community photo (Black and white) An "almanac" with the gamertags of the participants will be also released. The results will be visible and sent to the Comm Chatter the 10st of January, Tag them now.
That's a much better location for the photo! The Guardian ones just didn't look right, everyone had a slightly green hue and the reflections in the visor varied a lot. Longshore should be good, there are fewer strong light sources down there and its a fairly neutral background colour. I expect you'll be seeing a lot of Recon! Also, perhaps you should tell people to make sure you can't see the sea/horizon. I had a look at some of the tagged screenshots and some of them look like they'll take a little longer to edit because there's the sky and the sea in the background.