Been there, done that. But anyways, I have the most retarded so called friends and they're really just idiots. It pisses me off knowing that practically everyone in my school is the same way.
I agree. It gets better as you get older, But people will always thrive off of seeing their friends suffer to a minor extent.
I've noticed it less and less, maybe I did something? Who knows, but if anything I read a book called nasty people and it's helping quite a bit.
Well, most of my friends are ok, except one, who's a real retard… he says I'm gay when I have a gf. Like, WTF. This kind of thing comes and goes. Not long ago, everyone was friends. Then everyone hated each other. Now we're friends… for now I guess.
"Freshman" is too nice a makes you sound older than you really are. In reality, you're like 14 years old. Everyone in your grade is very immature.
Simply put, people = ****. Deal with your own business, and don't let those little shrivel-dicks ruin your day. That kind of behavior is insignificant in the real world, anyway. Alternatively, you could do what Vinny said.
Their problem is that they care too much. Give them a year or so before they realize that high school is a joke.