please rate and comment... ps the thing around his neck is a scarf... you can see that in my other drawings posted here. pps i have never taken an art class before... but i will be starting one next semester
Uhhh no offense, but i dont get it. "Hes" holding a lipstick tube with the words "red mist" on it. Next to that is a strange, somewhat ellegible non-rhyming poem. And then on the top right you list your name, and you SERVICE TAG? From xbox live? whats going on in this drawing? Can you please specify WHY you drew this and what its for?
the "lipstick case" is actually a custom made sniper bullet with his name engraved on it. also the "poem" is a quote and it says "5 feet of 5 miles your head is gonna be a fine red mist if you get in my way" also i drew this becuase i just wanted to draw something like a sniper's profile picture or something along those lines... i duno, i dont even know what all happens in my head. as for why i posted it... i wanted to see what people think of it so that way i can get some insight and improve. hens, why it is under cnc.
... what is it? i mean, i know what is but still? no offense, but your drawing skills are about 1/3 that of norlinsky's and he uses pastels, so thats not very good.
Well, to be frank, it's not the mona lisa. I would look up tutorials for shading, depth, porportions, and hopefully it can evolve into a pic of more badassery.