Mum asked what i would like for xmas and i told her a capture card. Seeing as though my old one is broken and only records sound. I told her i'd like a fairly decent one and the Dazzle came to mind. First up i have heard a lot of good things about the dazzle and what are you thoughts on this capture card? What capture card do you use or recommend? I am looking in the higher end of things at quite a good one. If i am to get a dazzle i am stuck on which one will record an xbox. These three do not actually say capture card, but which one is able to record the xbox output? Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Thx for responses
Link 2, I am sure because I have that exact same one... same color, etc... it's a handy lil capture card.... but I warn you, no I DEMAND, you find another software to edit in... only use pinnacle for capturing because it's a HORRIBLE program, the editing is nice and easy, but I've lost a total of around 6 machinima's(on the brink of completion) to crashes in this software. So I suggest using it only until you can find (or afford) something better...
I already know how bad this software is from seeing some youtube videos lol. Im editing with after effects. Thx for the help. Really helped me i had no clue which one.
If you've never edited before, DO NOT start with After Effects. You will be totally lost. Begin with a simpler program such as Sony Vegas. You then have two choices. The more expensive one that goes more in depth with effects and such ($539.99) or the Movie Studio version. I began with the Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 myself and built up knowledge of the program before moving onto After Effects. After Effects is a complex program. Picking up a capture card and After Effects does not make you an amazing editor. If anything, it will make you worse. Begin with the basics and work your way up. If you're wondering what I use, I have: Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Card Sony Vegas 9.0 Adobe After Effects
I'm fine with all the editing. I'm quite experienced. I use AAE cs3 and Sony Vegas too. To be honest AE wasn't that complex when i began using it(probably because i was used to sony vegas before that) but i found it really easy to learn and become familiar with it.
The first one does not capture in 60hz, and all Xbox 360 games will appear black and white. You can get around this with some software trick (i have this device and i do it) and the quality is ok. I believe the 2nd one is better than the third in quality standards, and that it does capture 60hz, so you will get a working colour projection regardless of whatever software you use.
Sweet. I'm getting the same setup, minues Vegas, this christmas and for my Birthday in two days. Cap card thursday, After Effects for Christmas. I'd use Sony Vegas, but I don't have it, and one program at a time. I'll use premeire until then. So yeah, if you have the money get the Hauppauge. It has really amazing quality.
I'd recommend using a trial, because if you are going to he producing complex media (ie. montage), AAE will not suffice for good productivity. Sony Vegas has awful effects but the navigation tools are fantastic. You won't be able to manage a montage in AAE very well. Few people use AAE exclusively.
A lot of editors will just work with AE after they finish the structure of their montage to add... effects. Most color correction, synced explosions, etc are done after the montage structure is complete so you don't have to go back and forth between Vegas and AE. Personally, I don't like how clips are managed in AE, but I have Sony Vegas which is amazing to work with.
OMFG AmericanPsycho you are sooo lucky! I want the hauppage sooooooooo badd!!! you have no idea the things I would possible consider maybe thinking about doing to get that baby!