Fronk Sorry, some pictures might be down, I'm working on it, but the video is still cool! This is Fronk YouTube - Fronk This is a movie of Fronk It is a map on Avalanche that, when standing in the right spot, creates an image of Fronk from Longshore. I've worked 30+ hours on this map, and I do intend on updating it with various doodads. I like how it turned out, and plan on a v2 that isn't rushed for a competition. I know people here only care about pictures so I'll cut to the chase. Download here Pile of trash that makes fronk's colors and body. Pile of weapons/walls that makes his outline. Just the weapons now. How to make Fronk yourself from those two piles of trash. 1. Start up the level in Forge and Forge only, immediately start a new round to make sure the objects spawn correctly. 2. Wait for the objects to spawn on the walls/barriers (they spawn at 10 seconds, but give them another ten seconds to all settle). 3. Delete the Walls and Barriers to make the weapons that just spawned on them float. 4. Stand atop the platform (The one made out of Ramps). 5. Back into the corner of the platform. 6. Spot Fronk. Misc. pictures: Variations If you change the game in forge from an "All gametypes" to another gametype there might be a variation of Fronk (You MUST be in monitor to change the gametype, and also if you don't have the most current version of Fronk these might not be there). Current Variations: Oddball: Download here
I don't often comment on maps, but oh my God! I'm not kidding, that is the coolest thing I have ever seen forged on Avalanche, ever! Definately one of the (if not the best) aesthetic maps ever made! I wish I could find words to quite describe how much win this is, but alas none can quite express the winsauce. Seriously though, this is epic mate! I love it how each part has its own specific layer and can only be viewed completed from one angle. Reminds me of something from Art Attack lol! How are you intending to change this for V2? Can it get much better!? (yes, I am in love with your map just a little bit..)
It's a flawless and uncanny replica of Fronk, down to the color scheme and precise details. Combined with the frosty background, in short: It's art. -=Moxus=-
This is pure win. I sure hope those pictures are in your fileshare, because it's the picture I want more than the map. It's incredible how the perspective changes on it...
This has got to be the best looking map in a while, the fact that you even had this idea is amazing, you pulled it off perfectly as well. I love the little hat you gave it, give him a mustache next
wow, meta, i am impressed. when you showed me your progress a while back, i didn't think you'd be able to pull it off. great job!
Hahaha, this is really, really creative and actually increadibly amazing. I just looked at it in forge and was amazed at the detail and aethetic appeal this map offers. Also, the fact that you made it only visible in a specific spot is extremely unique and gives me a nice laugh even a sigh of why didn't I think of that! Beautiful work, Meta!
heh, crypto showed me this one on saturday, it looked cool so i dled, nothing else much to say except that you have an extreme amount of patience. maybe you could do cortana next, you know, if you have the time.
Wow this is seriously awesome. Probably the best aesthetics on any map ever. I love how it only works from a certain spot. Reminds of those rocks in Pokeman Snap.
its incredible, absolutely incredible. I can't imagine the amount of effort it took to get those pieces to all match up when they are different distances away and such. Ah, i dont even want to think about it, it makes my head hurt.
That's awesome. I saw this a while back, but didn't have a clue what you were trying to make. A dl from me, and I'll give you a cookie if you make something else as awesome as this.
This is amazing lol! i have always wanted to do this in real life with wire and just set it somewhere and see how long it takes ppl to notice what it is! Nice map!
This is amazing, color scheme and detail match the original. And when I saw the map preview on it I was like "WTF is that supposed to be." Holy ****! (again)
Wow, this is pretty incredible. Not anything extremely new, per say, but a great job of Forge art that will hopefully have others making similar awesome stuff. Love what you've done; I can really see this being the next 'thing' in aesthetic maps. Good jorb!
So cute! This is a bamf fronk! I love the layers and doubt anyone will even try to make one like yours. Or like insane said " good jorb" my friend