Pacman Created by dmiller360, AlkalineProdigy, & MDK x2002x In this parody/homage we built the level to be as faithful to the original "Pac Man" map as possible, complete with two-way teleporters on the sides and even the four "Power Pellets" in the corners! This infection variant allows one person to play as "Pac Man" with Gravity Hammer, the rest are ghosts with Swords. Pacman's goal is to get to each of the four corners and grab a Power Pellet floating in the air (look for covenant equipment holders on the ground). Once he's obtained a power pellet, he'll become invincible for a short amount of time and be able to eat up the "ghosts." 4-6 players recommended. made by AlkalineProidgy, Dmiller360 and MDK x2002x. Download Pacman Download Pacman v 2.2 Variant
Already D/L'd and love this one...really fun with a late joiner, as you get 2 or 3 "Pac-men" going. Sadly, one kid that played with us last night had **NEVER** played or seen pac-man he was a little lost at first.
This was a fun game but everyone could reach the custom power ups so it ruined the game because everyone began cheating.
This is an interesting idea, but it's really not very fun to play. We had a classic setup with 1 pacman and 4 ghosts. As mentioned in the thread, the ghosts can reach the power pellet with a sword lunge jump. Even if people don't cheat though, it's way too hard on the pacman. In our game, only one pacman ever got a single kill. It's way too easy for the ghosts to find and kill him.
That is one of the coolest maps i have played im a huge pacman fan and thats a really good resemblence including the teleporters
I personally like this map, but most of the time people arent smart enough to get the powerups, and if they are, you can do a normal jump to them, if the ghosts gravoty is raised its fine though.
I don't know why everyone thinks it is hard for pacman, everytime I play I get 5 kills as pacman, at least. You just need to raise ghost gravity so they can't reach the pellets and the game plays out great.
Took me a bit to figure out at first. And the game is too hard on pacman, so we gave him good camo, and you can only see him when hes powerd up.