Zerikal 1.5 It started as just a few blocks laid out on the grid with no real intention of finishing, but after expanding the original concept more and a few weeks of forging, it became obvious that it could be so much more. This map was created with the original mentality that it would support one sided gametypes, and it sure pulled through in that respect. It plays with a secluded feel in each area, but at the same time, attention must be payed to the middle and bases. If you aren't on your toes, flanking becomes very easy for the opposing team. After testing, I saw that it plays slayer and flag the best, but it also works well for oddball. I hope you enjoy it. Special thanks to: GD27 BlueDevil me oswald Stoyben Sir Toppum Hat Prodigy X InSoMNiA 93 other testers Version 1.5 Update - Spawns near edge moved - Pile of original items in distance deleted - KOTH added - Full railing added between sniper and red - Flooring changes at sniper - Hiding spots removed - BRs moved slightly Map Shots Action Shots Download
This is actually a very nice map, the design looks great and it looks fun for a good game of FFA. Looks like there are lots of levels to the map, that or i really dont get the design :| Anyways you have my download, keeping this on my share for a while.
Congrats on another finished map! This one is one of my favorite of yours gameplay wise, and it was heaps of fun to jump around during the first stages of it
Woah dang. What an awesome looking map. This is quite refreshing, actually. It's got all sorts of shapes and levels, I wish I could download it, but my que is full. When I do dl, I'll give a review.
Once I clear up some space, I will be downloading this. The forging looks very smooth, and the thing that looks great about this map is the evened-out amount of cover. I've seen some other maps being posted that lack cover, which is something that I think is crucial, if you want a map to have good gameplay. Can't wait to try it out!
From just looking at the images, the design is truly original! I love those "ramps" in the middle, they really give the map dimension! Gotta DL this and take a closer look!
Nicely made map. I'll definitely dl once I clear up some space. It looks like it'll play one sided and FFA well. Aesthetics are also great.
I played this last night with 6 player FFA and it was incredibly fun and had different gameplay than other maps due to its smaller size and unique structures. Obviously the middle structure was the most unique and fun to shoot on! Also, everything was smooth and aesthetically pleasing. Please insert a weapon list into your post though even if you showed a lot of them in the pics. This is a truly amazing map and very nicely done!
This looks epic...if only my friends still played halo (sadface) but this really does look great. You got some pretty unique structures and the a lot of slopes in the map creating a better gameplay and map, i also love the little grass valley by invis. One question...in you second picture is the overshield in the upper right corner still there because I dont know how well that would play out and having both overshield and invis on a small ffa map could be a bad idea. Other than that terrific and a dl.
Initial response: "Hooooly CRAP!" Intelligent response: This map is very good looking, if the screens are any indication, t is pretty fun to play on this. This really reminds me of a forerunner structure on the ground. Keep up the good work!
Frankie this map very good i like the unique structures and it has awesome game play 5/5 altho you need more screen shots on the bottum floor its ok that you dident but i feel people need to see more of it then some of the screen shots you can see a part of it. I like the grass you added because usualy people just create a flat surface with it and it flashes and takes away from the map.
the teleporters go from top to bottom, shown in the 4th map pic and the 3rd action pic. Another fine map Frankie, loved the middle columns from the minute you laid them. glad you fixed that drop off point too. those are left over items he forgot to delete XD
That is actually off of the map. It's just original items that I didn't use. You're right though, the screenshot makes it look like it's on the map. Sorry about that.
Very nice, the layout is great. I like all the levels, it adds to the fast paced gameplay. Your weapon layout is very balanced, and i like the sniper spawn. Umm i would have chosen an Overshield instead of Camo because i feel it works better for asymmetrical maps. Overall, very good forging and gameplay
So far I've only gotten time to do a forge through of this but I'm still impressed as hell. The forging looks top notch and the design looks very fun and thought out. Hopefully I can get some customs on it tonight and give a more detailed review, but I can just tell it will play well and that you spent a lot of time testing this map. Kudos on the hard work. Question though: How many players does it support?
I've only tried up to 4v4 and that was a bit crowded, but in a good way. If you want more spread out gameplay, try 2v2 or a 4 person FFA. If you want fast paced, action packed games, try 4v4. It goes both ways, but I recommend 4-6 players.
I'm still stunned by the architecture on this map. It's gorgeous. I usually don't post unless I've seen a design in Forge, but don't worry about it. If it plays as good as it looks, you're in business.