Wow, this looks pretty fun. I played the first tank. It was boring, due to hijacking the tank. Mabee you can put the Alpha zombie as 50% Speed and 200% Gravity, and he he has a grav ham, so if anyone trys to hijack, they get OWNED!!!
Hijacking really isn't an issue to begin with. A smart zombie will drive the part of the tank they're clinging to against a wall & start shooting it. Such a simple solution, yet all too-often people are oblivious to it, like it's not common sense.
You should explain the rules of 'tank' as I, and I'm sure many others have never heard of it. :S The map looks nice, GREAT merging especially contemplating for the lack of objects on Rats Nest, and the way you've made it in-escapable is good, as is the Mongoose ramp. But, just edit your post to include the game type etc, I'll check back in a moment and I might dl if i understand a bit better
Included the Game Variant & fixed the 1 cheat spot. You could drive your mongoose right below the right hand side stairs @ the human spawn and get behind the stairs by getting off the mongoose. I left it like that because I knew you couldn't crouch through it, I never thought about doing it on a mongoose until now, though. I also touched up the Open Boxes props.
Nice fixup of the tank map. picture 5 is escapable, just jump on pipes, get an ally to double jump you up from there. I not a fan of tank, its a bit boring tbh, altough its a nice remake but it didnt take much effort with ghost merge.
As I said in the first post, I didn't intend for the Open Boxes to be fully out of reach. You can get up on them, but not alone. When/if you do you'll find death will follow your accomplishment shortly after, along with a whole lot of fusion coils blowing up. Yes, it was easy with ghost merging. I figured someone had to do it, and it's not in large demand. So I made it my little project. As for your experience with "Tank", you likely played it with cheaters. As it's quite fun when everyone isn't being told constantly where the tank is, or aren't inside the middle. Thanks for complimenting the fixup, I tried to allign everything perfectly, and it shows in many cases..
oh so this is why you were forging rats nest last night But i never played any tank games before, so i must play this sometime and hopefully with you and your map. Nice to see you posting maps worth DL though =) I must say I'm surprised to see you posting maps too, cus i never knew you would come here on FH and do it . In case your confused, I'm foundationz.
i first want to point out that the man cannon isnt needed for getting on the pipes, you simply get on the smaller cylinders below the man cannon and jump up, but anyways this has been done many times, but i like your idea with a map rats nest
the only problem i see is the ghost on top of the double boxes. even though the only way up is by launching the mongoose up after a scorpion blast. this looks amazing and so much fun, even though i havent heard of "tank" before...
Picture 1... blocking off under the catwalk was unnecessary in a game of Tank. Anyone hiding under there is an easy target from a blast from the Scorpion. You can mongoose glitch under those stairs and hide behind the bridge. Picture 3... good solution that I have used to keep people from using the mongoose dismount glitch to get into the fenced area. Picture 4... I like the idea, but unnecessary to have the ramp. All it does is get in the way of the tank trying to get through if the tank driver is distracted and drives too far to the right. I was also able to mongoose glitch under the stairs even with the barrels there. Picture 5... I like how you blocked access to the inner circle. Fusion coils were unnecessary as was the gauss warthog... actually probably a bad idea if you want to completely keep people from getting inside. Both the fusion coils and gauss can damage the crates used to block the doorways, thus making them disappear temporarily to allow access to the inner circle. Picture 7... a little surprised that you didn't use "today's standards" and ghost merge the mancannons into the wall instead of leaning them against the pipe and wall. Yes... mancannons are immovable objects and can be tapped and ghost merged. Picture 2 and 8... would have preferred seeing those bridges ghost merged into the doorways. Pictures 10 and 11... you can destroy the fusion coils, thus destroying the fork lift. That in turn will drop the crate, which will give runners easier access to get back behind the double boxes. Overall not bad, but if you're gonna say "by today's standards", I'd have preferred to see ghost merging of the bridges and mancannons. Very nice work of blocking off the inner circle. I think the forging on this map would be better suited for a game of Bull Run than tank, though... since you definitely don't want people hiding under the stairs in that game type since you can't splatter them when they hide there.
I'd like a moderator to delete this topic. I've reposted it in the minigame map section, where it should have been in the first place. Thank you.