Sandbox Nach Der Untoten: **** Zombies

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jshaf23, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Forerunner

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    Nach Der Untoten
    The original **** Zombies map

    Humans- Stay alive for as long as possible. The zombies will climb in through the windows, so stay alert.

    Zombies- Climb in through the windows and feast on the human brains. Work together!

    Map Construction
    The map is an exact replica of Nach der Untoten from Call of Duty: World at War. It even has one-way windows and a working random weapon chest! Many interlocked walls and objects make the map look great and it's been glitch-proofed to eliminate all known problems. All the weapon placements correspond with that of the real map on CoD: WaW. It is nearly impossible for humans to exit the map, but zombies can enter through the one-way window system.

    Playing Information
    Players start in a room with a plasma pistol. After 45 seconds, flame grenades spawn near the exits of the room. Throw them at the pallets behind the shield doors to open the Stairs or Help Room.

    Random Chest

    The random chest is located in the corner of the "Help" room. In order to use it, grab the custom powerup and jump into the corner of the walls while holding RB. You will grab a random gun hidden behind the wall.

    The Weaopnry
    Each weapon corresponds with a weapon from Call of Duty: World at War. The weapons are as follows...

    Plasma Pistol: Colt M1911
    Magnum: Kar 98k
    Carbine: M1A1 Carbine
    Mauler: Double Barrel Shotgun
    SMG: Thompson
    Assault Rifle: BAR
    Beam Rifle: Scoped Kar 98k
    Shotgun: Trench Gun
    Sniper Rifle: PTRS-41
    Rocket Launcher: Panzerschrek
    Spiker: STG-44
    Fuel Rod Gun: Ray Gun
    Battle Rifle: M1 Garand

    Map Walkthrough:

    First Room
    In the first room, there are a total of five windows. Players spawn in this room with nothing but a plasma pistol (Colt M1911). They should grab either a Kar 98k or M1A1 Carbine on the wall. After 45 seconds of defense, they can go up the stairs to the Upstairs 2 room or through the doorway behind them into the Help Room.

    Help Room
    The Help Room is through the doorway from the First Room. There are a total of 3 windows, and one wall that can be broken down by the zombies. As players walk through the doorway, the Random Weapon Chest will be to their left, the Double-Barrel Shotgun, Thompson, and two windows will be to their right, and straight ahead of them is the wall that can be broken down.

    Upstairs 1
    The Upstairs 1 is directly above the Help Room, after entering the Help Room, go forward and then to the left to find the doorway. Flame grenades will spawn here at 90 seconds to allow entrance to the Upstairs 1. There are 3 windows in the room. As players walk up the stairs from the help room, the BAR will be directly in front of them. If they then turn around and walk forward, a window will immediatly be on their left. Another window will be on their right, and at the end of the room there will be a third window, the Scoped Kar 98, and the Trench Gun.

    Upstairs 2
    The Upstairs 2 is accessable through the sairs in the First Room or a doorway in the Upstairs 1. There is only one window in the Upstairs 2. It is located on your right as you walk up the stairs. Also located in the room is the Double-Barrel Shotgun and Frag Grenades. This room is the easiest to defend, but there is very little ammunition availalble.


    A view of part of the First Room, near where players spawn.

    the stairs in the First Room​

    Another area in the First Room​

    A view from the Help Room

    The Random Weapon Chest

    The Upstairs 1

    The Upstairs 2

    Download the Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download the Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    Good Luck and Have Fun!

    ps: This is my first post here on Forge Hub. Please message me or comment on any problems with this post so I can fix them.
    #1 jshaf23, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    *somebody else can say it*
    besides that one giant factor, this looks like it would be a successful remake from CoD WaW. However, there is a perfectly good version on CoD WaW itself, which i presume is what you modeled this from. But, master debayter has already come up with his own spin on these maps and has it nearly perfected. sure, yous may be more aesthetically accurate, but there is too many reamkes of this out there. i applaude you for your efforts though. you have skill, just use it with more original ideas.
    basically, just spend your time making more original things, then making somthing that nearly everyone has already seen.
    oh, and how does your weapon box work?
    #2 pinohkio, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  3. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comment, and I do make more original maps, this was just the first I posted on Forge Hub.
    As for the random box, theres a tiny slit behind the wall where the box is. And on the other side of the wall, weapons are being continuously pushed up to the slit by a grav lift. The custom powerup gives you 3 seconds to jump up to where the slit is and if you hold RB, it gives you a random weap from the other side of the wall.
  4. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
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    weird monkey picture guy said it, theres already one that is better than yours. Obviously you are an expert forger, you should create some original maps man
  5. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    HOw do the windows work. Because If you search the gametype judgment it has some pretty ingenious ideas for these types of maps. but this does look fairly good, just so many of these maps that yours has to be the best to get ay attention.
  6. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Forerunner

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    cowboy pickle: thanks for the comment. The windows work like this; Put a box down on a flat surface. Slide a wedge small up to the box horizontally. Then place a column horizontally on top of the wedge. The column should be place so the shortest side is the height. This side is the exact height of a crouching guy. put something on top of the column and then delete the column and box. This creates a window that allows you to walk up the wedge but not back out. If you do it perfectly, it should be immpossible to jump out the window from the inside.
    #6 jshaf23, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  7. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay okay, so youve made it so the humans cant escape. thats good, i wish i wouldve done that with all my old maps. But the idea i described that i use in all my new maps, involves climbing into a mongoose and than getting out the other side. Just PM me if you need a greater description of it.
  8. suriname2

    suriname2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, I won't echo others comments, so Ill say this.

    I really like the radio antennae window. The pallet doors are quite clever, and the random weapon box and inescapable windows are both original takes on something that has been done before. It looks great, now I will echo the others and say please post more of your maps, and keep forging, you are not only are a good forager, you have some fresh ideas.

    Thanks for sharing.
  9. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the map but Truthfully i like my map because its very accurate but this is a good job u did though i rate it 4.5-5 i like the windows
  10. Xx5tAcHgunxX

    Xx5tAcHgunxX Forerunner

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    this map is an entertaining version of the real CoD WaW **** Zombies game. i'm pretty good friends with Jshaf and he is an excellent forger and a few of his maps impress me. I only wish i could figure out how to post a map and show my talent

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