Cerberus Map i am making in sky bublle ! She gonna be compose of 5 chamber . UPDATE : All room complete and i need to put some details on the map ! i did 2 room ! RED ROOM AND CENTER ROOM Picture : Paint Job : NOTE : Name changed for Cerberus Overview Red Room Center room ! So if you have idea or comments just reply ! MAP FINAL POST : This Week - End !
Looks really clean and nicely forged so far. What gametype were you thinking of doing because the 5 room thing should be cool if they are all interconnected some how. Keep up this style you are using now though for whatever kind of map you are making!
looks good so far, but i cant tell what the layout is supposed to be? Also guys, he had the decency to ask me to change my map name so he could have it lol. I asked him to delay his so i could post mine first, but he doesnt have the decency to wait :/
well i suppose ours was a vote between cerberus and paladin.. it was a pretty close vote as well.. i'll let you two decide which MLG paladin and Paladin ends up being called Paladin lol
I whant change it because maybe i will do a MLG version so B3WN called MLG Paladin so i dont want to stool heir map name !
Dude, This is like the 17th Map Preview I've seen these last 2 months. Holy Crap. I love map previews. I've only post 3. But Honestly, Claim down with the previews. We don't want to see ever single map that you're thinking or making. Out of all 17 maps, I've only seen 3 that caught my attention. This is not one of them. Please slow down!
GTFO if your going to flame, this forum is for posting map preveiws, you cannot go, im fed up off seeing map preveiws "please calm down" (yeah thats starting to get annoying, you use it in every single post.) its ridiculous. OT: Please could you update with some new screenshots if youve updated the map. I really like your forging, it looks clean and crisp. Im not quite sure on the layout tough but still, looking good.
Recon Speller, I do believe your imagination for maps is quite ginormous. Anyone cannot disagree on that. However, being an active member of forgehub does not mean posting lots of map previews. If you are trying to become popular by hitting the sweet spot of a map, reconsider. Start small. I believe you are new to the forums, but already gotten to cavalier rank. Here's a great suggestion: Make a map that has one theme in it: Say, an Assymetrical map. Then, post different versions of them, modifying the look of the map without having to make new ones. Good Luck, HaloIlove.
I like this a lot. Very inspiring. Can't wait to see a finished product. Are you going to set it up for MLG?
I'll have you know that Seraph was already taken by a map by JEEF12364 and Tks Monster x. The map looks very nice so far though.
Calm down Devil... Though you express some decent points, there is no need to have such an attitude about it. Yes there are alot of map preiviews lately, but there is nothing wrong with it. The map, i cant really tell at this point. Your sketchup looks good, and your forging thus far is great, but the thing i agree with Devil with is that People need to wait untill people can actually comment about how the map is. Like i sadi, the map looks fine, but if you wouldve waited further in the maps progress to post a preview, i wouldve been able to post a better, more detailed comment than "it looks good"