Tropical Water Bottling Co.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cory21, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    "Tropical Water"

    Welcome to your tour of the Tropical Water Bottling Company. On your tour, we'll cover how the water is gathered, purified, and bottled. We promise your tour will be worth your money.

    This is where the water from the surrounding Mombasa waters is collected and sent through the purifying vents.

    From here, water is sent through the filtering system where 80% of the minerals in the water will be cleaned and any fish will be disposed of.
    (That box has been straitened BTW)

    Any remaining dirt is separated and the water is sent to continue through the facility.

    This platform is used to repair any mechanical problems that may occur.

    Water continues its journey through the cleaning vents.

    After going through the purifying area, the water is packaged for future bottling.

    We keep our bottling facility at a top security, since we highly value our water.

    Breaking News!

    Recent activity around the Mombasa Quays has caused many companies to close down. One of these companies has been the large Tropical Bottling Co. One of our security cameras managed to capture a picture of what has caused the recent activity:


    Now all silliness aside (lol), Tropical Water is an infection map designed for 4-8 players. It was originally going to be submitted in the Hub of the Dead contest, but it wasn't ready at the moment. It supports all types of Infection, most preferably Save one Bullet. I've collected a few screenshots for your viewing pleasure:


    Download it here.
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I remember seeing a preview for this map and Im happy to say it turned out very well. I love the story that you have created with this map, it adds a bit more realism and depth to a map.
    The forging, although a little bit crooked has been done very well, especially because its mostly forged at the water level and with no ground for support. One thing I would like though is an overhead view of the whole map as its hard to work out the design of your map just from the pictures.
    Keep up the good forging. Now I just need some motivation to complete my Longshore map.
  3. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Parts of the map has been redone since the pictures were taken, so they may not be crooked in the actual map. The design is fairly simple, and an overhead pic won't really show much of the map.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    that is so freaking clever. Nice forging and gameplay. The walkways could be smoother because there is nothing more annoying than the bumps when you try to leave the inside of a box.
  5. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I'll take that as a compliment. And I think the walkways are similar to Sandbox's walls. When I made the map, they were very smooth, but after all the saves I went through, they ended up getting bumpy. It was kind of frustrating for me.
  6. suriname2

    suriname2 Ancient
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    I really like the idea of a bottling company... it looks like a very interesting map.

    It looks fun, but isn't the turret totally unfair?
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Nice idea, well presented post.
    1Q - Did you get the zombies flying out the water idea from my map? (Port blood gush) if so credit me :p

    As I said before the post is well presented, I love the idea of the map, I was going to try get this moved into the aesthetic maps untill I saw the spoiler half way through reading and I thought, very clever ;p

    As someone has previously noted, from what I see the ground isnt extremly smooth but you said you fixed that so I will beleive you ;p Also another thing I saw is that turret, is that a bit too campable in a dead end?

    3/5, if you update the map with improvements you might bump it up to a 4/5 :p

  8. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Unfortunetly, I never saw your map, so I can't really say that the concept came from your map. There's only three spawn points down there, so the zombies rarely spawn there anyways.

    I lol'd about moving to aesthetic section.

    No, I will admit the ground isn't flat, there are still some bumpy areas. Bit it doesn't really take away from the gameplay as mucha s you would expect.

    And no, the turret area is actually very uncampable. If 2 zombies come from any one of the two corners, they can generally take out at least one person with a shotty, and then come again with three people and attack from both sides. The game has a surprising element of strategy.

    ...I don't know what Gl means...
  9. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Creative! I love your thread post and how intersting the story is. As much as i saw the map it looked like one that i wan't to make, a sort of watery journey through Longshore. It's great to see more people making maps that take advantage of the water in this level, it has quite the potential as you've made very clear. 4/5 Good Job. =)
  10. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    Oh nice map looks pretty fun. An almost tight corridors "Gotta find a safe place map".

    I will give it 8 out of 10. And i also liked your idea for the post.

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