
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by dmcdowell30, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. dmcdowell30

    dmcdowell30 Ancient
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    Download Map

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    Okay so this is my second post here so I hope this is up to standards.


    Calimport is a city built on the main floor on Sandbox. It is best if you use the game-type that goes with it.

    Zombies have a 50% gravity and a 125% speed. The zombies will spawn in a small sewer system that is in the crypt level and from there they will be able to choose where they will appear at on the main level by choosing one of seven different teleporters. There is one teleporter that will send the zombies to four different areas all outside of the map boundaries so that they can try and get behind anyone trying to camp on the outskirts near the guardians. The humans can't jump high enough to sue these special teleporters so its a zombie only system.

    The humans will start near the outer parts of the city but partially isolated from the other humans. If there are a lot of humans then they may spawn with one other player. Their gravity is at 150% and their speed is 90%. Some of the buildings have parts where the humans may have to crouch jump but in my testing this was never a problem.



    Close up of one half

    Close up of other half

    One example of a sewer exit

    Another example of a sewer exit

    Sewer (hard to get pictures of)

    I hope that you have fun on this map and any feedback well be appreciated.

  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I like the idea of the sewer to get around, but a problem I've had with infection on the main teir is that people will just run around on the outskirts instead of staying within the level.
    I'd make some walls if you possibly can.
  3. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    I like the idea. It looks aesthically pleasing and captures an infection feel. The only rung I see though is that can't the humans just camp the the teleporters for the zombie spawns?
  4. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
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    love this idea and am looking for someone to forge one with me!
    your map is very good looking, i see some flaws with your geomerges, but dude nice job. it plays prretty bad though, like no joke theres too much camping going on and people tend to get frustrated and leave. idk i think that it could be loads better
  5. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    Great job dowell! The idea of underground sewers & urban city structures call for great slayer-type combat situations, but seeing this is infection it just got better.

    You inspire me on a new map. thnx

    *Note to all forgers* Very simple techniques + creative imagination can yield impressive and quick results such as this map.
  6. xJayx

    xJayx Forerunner

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    this looks like an awesome map, can it be played as competitive slayer though?
  7. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Hey, good to see someone using a sewer in a city based map. I tried that, but it didn't quite work very well... Average map, average quality, i did like the tunnel that curved a bit, that must have been annoying to put together. 3/5
  8. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    Looks more slayer-ish but still good lookin map 8/10
  9. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Forerunner

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    The map looks great; good interlocking, geomerging etc... i haven't tested the gametype, but the entire map setup reminds me of fallout 3. Especially the sewer stations, which would be equivelant to the metro tunnels (the sewers are a great creative touch). back to the gametype... i'm not sure if you've played it, but i think a predator game would go great with this map. If you haven't played predator, message me and i can get you a predator gametype. Great job: 8.5/10
  10. Filjah

    Filjah Ancient
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    glad to see I'm not the only DND player on board! :p lol

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