Mythic II DLC (Longshore) DUCK ATTACK

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Fliver, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Fliver

    Fliver Ancient

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    Hello everyone , it's my first post on forge hub and I am French so I translated with google translate, so be nice ^^ !



    History :

    The Spartans finished with the war, they went to rest in New Mombasa. One afternoon, they decided to do some fishing. When all of a sudden : COIN COIN . Ducks mutant attacked. They took their guns and sniper killed one by one

    Description :

    It is a small map or the zombies have to cross the sea to the island to kill humans. The zombies floating in the water up through the powers that give a speed of 300% and a severity of 50%. The zombies have 110 resistance and are 50% damage. Humans make them 25% damage and 110 of resistance on their shield recharge is 50. The arms gradually reappear there in the early part of an incendiary grenade and a shotgun in the pelvis, the landmine after 20 seconds on the rock, the gun battle reappears after 30 seconds with a charger, Then there is the tower fixed to 120 seconds, then the laser sentinel at 150 seconds and finally launching missiles to 180 seconds. CAUTION: The zombies must go faster on the shore as if he was behind the boats, they lose their momentum and sink to the bottom. The zombies respawn in a small room with powers up. There are two holes in the bottom of the teleporter that leads to water (it should, if possible, drop straight in). I made sure that the blocks are flush with water as it passes over the water.

    Pictures :

    Humain base


    Overview :


    Zombi base ( outside ) :


    Zombi base ( inside ) :


    Download :

    Map : : Halo 3 File Details
    Mode : : Halo 3 File Details

  2. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    Why are the Little Yellow writing parts in another language. Bit random! (Edit: Sorry, I didnt read the top! LOL!)

    Anyway, I dont really understand the process. Is it like Duck hunt on Foundery, or something else. I will have to download and see.

    Some good merging in the map as well is nice!
  3. Fliver

    Fliver Ancient

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    Made in the ducks come floating in the water and humans must be killed with the sniper
  4. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    From what i can make of the post it seems like the ducks spawn in a room where they get a custom powerup that makes them have 50% gravity and 300% speed, i think, then they go down the tubes and through a teleporter. On the other side of the teleporters is a long stetch of water that they will now float across towards the human island. So i guess if i am right this game is more like a hold out island with the twist of floating zombies assaulting you and the better weapons spawn over time.

    Pretty sure that's what it is but I'll give it a DL to be sure.
  5. Fliver

    Fliver Ancient

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    Yes it is
  6. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a really nicely forged and fun to play map. I will download later and try it out with a few friends.
    I'm a little rusty with my french, but I'll tell you what I can... Tres tres bien.
  7. Fliver

    Fliver Ancient

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    Thank you ^^
  8. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's a great map but the "ducks" get to the platform way too easily. They have way too much health, it needs to be cut at least by a third or so. Other than that, great original idea!

    Oh, and try to make it easier for the zombies to get to the teleporters.
  9. Fliver

    Fliver Ancient

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    Ok but i can't make better for the teleporters .

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