Austrailia is once again banning a game for being to violent, this time being SEGA's "Aliens vs. Predator" game. Here are a few of the reasons the game is being banned: Spoiler While it does sound a little gruesome after that, all it is is pixels on a screen. If anyone feels the need to rip someone's spinal column out from this game, they need serious psycological counseling (if that is the reason the game is being banned). And if the reason for the ban is just an attempt to shield Aussie's from violence, I doubt this will truly terrify anyone over the age of 12-13, the reason being that, once again, all it is is pixels on a screen. I will admit, while some games can frighten people if it does to an extreme level, the player is either too young, or needs to turn off the console, and do something else. An appeal has not been ruled out however, so it is possible that SEGA may release a toned-down version with less violence. Source: Aliens vs. Predator banned in Australia - News at GameSpot Article Submitted by Roche: Discuss.
So? Being pixels on a screen doesn't mean what it represents doesn't exist. It's the same with pornography or anything like that. I don't particularly mind IMO...I think it's fairly justified, considering the country's stance on violent games. Games are getting overly violent as is anyway, for no good purpose.
It's nice to see a country founded by thieves and convicts banning greusome games ¬.¬ Yeah jk, but sounds stupid to me, but its much more strict over there for games, pitty, sounds like an educational game.
So, apparently, an all-out alien war exists? I think if someone can't determine a diference between reality and a video game, regardless of how realistic it is, they shouldn't even be playing it.
I'm sure anyone over the age of 18 (which is probably what it's rated for) wouldn't have a problem with it. If you're playing a game that's not rated for your age, and you have a problem with what you see, it's no ones fault but your own.
You guys should probably read this before making crazy accusations Hey, Stop Blaming The Australian Government/People For "Banning" Games - Censorship - Kotaku
What a jackass. We can't even get people to enjoy games anymore. My 10 year old cousin plays MW2, and a 20 yr old can't even play left 4 dead 2 in Australia. That attorney general pisses me off. You should add that link to the OP btw. Thanks fir the article Roche
Honestly, it doesn't annoy me terribly as I never wanted to play L4D or Aliens, but when Bioshock 2 has little sisters hugging corpses instead of stabbity stabing them, I will be pissed. L4D 2 wasn't banned, but it may as well have been. I've heard so many complaints about how the ultra-low violence settings destroys the realism. Michael Atkinson isn't entirely to blame. It's "the system" that gives him the power, and the Australian Government is pretty terrible in design.