Sandbox Asset: Desert Highway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jakob hunter, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    June 27 2552 15:35
    “We've made it out of the sewers and are now approaching the ruins of Tsavo Highway. The entire thing seems to be crumbling; massive chunks from the fall of the orbital elevator has collapsed onto the structure and caused most of it to collapse. We're attempting to find a good LZ for us to get beamed up. Another squad of ODST must have come this way before us- corpses of dead covenant bastards litter the grounds. Wait- I see a way up to the higher level of the highway. Get that covenant ship above the highest point of this thing and drop down a grav beam I think we might be able to get the asset on board!”
    End transmission –Pvt. Gavin Williams

    “Can do private, be advised I spotted a few phantom drop ships come in so expect company.”
    End transmission –Capt. Drew Morris

    “Some of the gates to the upper highway layer have been blocked! Give us a minute to get it open!”
    End transmission –Pvt. Gavin Williams

    “Covenant will be all over this cruiser's ass soon. I don’t care what you do to get that thing up here, but we sure as hell can't fly this thing so if you're screwed, we're all screwed."

    End transmission –Capt. Drew Morris

    “Roger that, we're on our way.” End transmission –Pvt. Gavin Williams

    Desert Highway takes place in the middle of the desert some hundred miles outside New Mombasa. After the orbital elevator fell its impact caused large sand storms which came in and buried most of the highway; most pieces of the elevator toppled ontop of the highway causing it to break.

    A squad of ODST’s must transport a very important engineer to the top of the highway and onto the Covenant ship, not only because what he knows could help put an end to the war, but also because he is the only one that knows how to fly the ship. It didn’t take long for the Covenant to figure out where this asset was. They sent down squads of their finest soldiers to take him out.
    So that is why you will be fighting your way up a ruined highway and into the gravity beam of a Covenant cruiser.


    This is mostly an escort style map, but is concidered Holdout because you must wait for something to spawn to be able to reach the destination point. This map containts plenty of holding out; you must first escort the asset to the end of the covered section of the highway then hold off hordes of Covenant while waiting for the door to open. After, you must either A.) Stay in the covered section until a ramp leading up to the destination spawns or B.) Go out and hold out on the open area of the highway. Both have their advantages and disedvantages.
    Though the Covenant cruises hovering above the highway has been commandeered by a UNSC battalion, covenant troops have managed to live and either escape with a Banshee or by jumping out with a jump-pack, so think twice before walking out in the openSpawning:
    Attackers’ spawns: The attackers start out in the sky bubble and instantly fall to their death. They then either spawn in this room: [​IMG] and get to choose from an arsenal of weapons and equipment. Or they spawn in a room like this: [​IMG] where they become a superior brute class, like a stalker or chieftain [​IMG]
    They can also spawn on top of the cruiser to become a jump-pack brute: [​IMG] or on top of the orbital elevator shards and become a sniper jackal equipped with a beam rifle and needler. [​IMG]

    Defenders spawn: The defenders start out in a sewage pipe that has been flooded with sand. They must make their way across a field littered with debris and dead bodies of fallen soldiers. In the rubble they may find some useful things left behind by the squad that was formally positioned there. If an attacker dies he or she will respawn in the holdout zone of the covered section of the highway, here: [​IMG]
    That way you are at almost at all times in the middle or the action.


    To learn more about the game type ASSET click HERE


    ASSET: game type


    Here is what you have all been waiting so patiently for:

    Overview: [​IMG]

    Overview of elevator shards: [​IMG]

    Beginning of highway: [​IMG]

    More shards, rubble, and broken underside of highway: [​IMG]

    Cruiser and upper highway overview: [​IMG]

    Under crumbling tunnel: [​IMG]

    Weapon cache: [​IMG]

    Machine gun turret: [​IMG]

    Uphill battle: [​IMG]

    Too late: [​IMG]

    #1 jakob hunter, Dec 6, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  2. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    #3 Rifte, Dec 6, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  4. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    This has really got to be one of the better ones in the map pack, its huge! Playing it was really fun not really much to complain about. I think the only really frustrating thing is when your VIP falls of the bridge, your pretty much screwed then >.>
  5. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    This map looks like it'll be really fun to play. I like how it looks all destroyed, yet still looks good…

    Anyways, there's nothing I can really complain about until I play it. A dl from me :)
  6. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    nice job on this one jakob was wondering when you would post it. The hornet is out completely? You now have a beam up to the destination I'll have to see how the plays out in game.
  7. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    One of my favorite asset maps. The broken down bridge was executed very well. Gameplay is kind of in the defenders favor, but nontheless, an amazing looking map with amazing gameplay. This was being tested for a good month before being posted, so all the kinks have been worked out nicely and improved upoun. I actualy am going to give this a good 5/5.

    Excellent job jakob.
  8. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I love the idea of a highway that you have to holdout before escorting the VIP to the destination. The map is also very aesthetically pleasing, especially the highway. The overhead view is actually very nice, I love how it looks like one, collective highway.

    You do have 2 problems with your canon though. Unless this is a mistake, you say the year is 2051. The Covenant wasn't discovered by the humans nearly 480 years later. There would be no Engineer, or even ODSTs at that time. Also, New Mombasa wasn't founded until the 24th century.
  9. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    That was a pretty sweet map. You should have gotten a picture of when I was the asset and the banshee knocked me off the bridge and into the dunes and I got lazered. We then had -4 points. As for the brutes they attack almost immediately but that actually worked out. Overall 8/10... Good map
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    Alright, so, your aesthetics are amazing. no doubt there.

    But does your game play go along with that? From the video it seems like the assets team just dominated and had no trouble at all. I personally have not played the map yet but just from seeing the video i can tell that this map is pretty easy. I mean just look at the first hold out point: a pretty big hill forcing the covenant to walk all the way up it with next to no cover. At least that is what i saw.

    Dont get me wrong your map looks great. I just think that it is too easy for the assets team. What you could do is put a hole in the roof where the first holdout point is with a single tele up there so that there would be a minimal number of attackers comming through the roof so they wouldnt get overwelmed. That way you could at least have some of the attackers split up so they can cause a little more havoc.
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    That's because by the end of the video, the attackers basically gave up. After the door opens, you'd normally get swarmed instantly.
  12. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    would ya look at that sexy elite in all those pics and video!!!

    well this map is by far the best map for asset in my opinion, i like the cramped tunnel and once the door finally opens it gets pretty fun
  13. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    thanks for the comments i have now gotten the dates in the beginning fixed. the roof is supposed to look like it is clapsing.
  14. theunforgotton9

    theunforgotton9 Ancient
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    I find asset a very competitive,fun,and addicting game and it would be so awesome if it was put in matchmaking.
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I never really got into asset that much but jakob's maps always look great to me and this one almost makes me want to play asset a bit more
  16. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    Okay well if that really is the truth about them giving up. My question is why? Is it too in favor of the asset team? Is it too boring for the non asset team? I would think that this map is too in favor of the asset team just by looking at the pictures without even downloading and playing. Why? Arent you supose to dl and play? No, i dont have to when there is a huge clear advantage to the asset team, in the tunnels when they have a huge hill to sit on. I am not trying to flame this map or anything to that extent i am just telling you what i can see is a concern and to help you make it better.

    On that note: in my earlyer post i stated a few easy ways to make the gamplay more even.
  17. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    If you met the team playing as the attackers, you'd understand why. Not really gave up, but rather decided to screw around. It wasn't a very good gameplay video at all, and I should've waited a bit because we played some epic games afterward with a 6v6 and 8v8. I don't think it's too easy; the covenant have plenty of equipment such as power drains and bubble shields to push the humans back with in the highway tunnels, and if everyone rushes in at once it'll get very hectic.

    Again, don't judge the map by the bad gameplay video.
  18. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    actually it is alittle more in favor of the attackers the team with the asset hardly ever makes it. i used to have those suggestions you said but they made it to hard. The reason the other team gave up was not because it was boring or hard in fact i don't think they actually gave up the other team just pretty good
  19. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    Alright. yeah i supose i shouldnt judge a map by its pictures/videos haha.
    Thanks for clearing that stuff up. I wouldnt know cuz i havent dled yet. Ill probably do it within a week tho and get a game goin cuz this is definatly one of the better (if not best) looking asset maps i have seen yet
    #19 FryTheSly, Dec 6, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  20. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    thankyou for all the great feedback. i have another asset map being made but my account has been suspended so i can't finish it until i fix up my payment options :(

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