I have been making a Guardian inspired map for the past month, I have ran into a problem though. I have 134$ or so left, but it says on every object I try to spawn," There are too many objects on map." I need someone to help me, I have it structurally built, for the most part, and now it is time for spawns, probably the most important asset of a map. Please reply soon.
The object allowance glitch sucks. This glitch just happens when you delete the objects from the original map to make it open. But if you put everything on the side you can place more objects. Im not sure how to fix it though but i bet some expert should know.
Yeah ! Me too i did a Guardian remake and i have enought monney so we make it with no blue room . we make the map with all the way to go to blue room destroy ! If you want see it i could show it you ! And i will help you sure !
Im sorry to say but your pretty much screwed at this point. I take it your making it on Sandbox? Well basically theres three budgets for every map in forge. The first is your actual amount of money. Next is the number of items, take foundry for instance, you can spawn only 20 double boxes. Lastly there is an OLN, or Object Limit Number. This means there is a certain amount of objects (weapons, grenades, fusions coils, ect) that can be placed on a map. If you delete things it still factors into the OLN so thats why its best to leave the original objects on the map, but move them to the side. This is present on every map but due to Sandboxes large size it tends to be the only map people encounter this problem on.