Well i know most maps have been either A. holdout or B. escape maps. And most escape maps end with you getting a hornet, or managing to get to the extraction (VIP) point. So my true question is, can i make a Asset map that incorporates the use of a warthog as the means to escape? Has anyone tried to use a hog as the way to escape? If not i will be using it, i had a map similar to Desert Highway, but not the same and to get to the VIP point you would have to use a warthog, since the VIP point is in the air over a jump.
That actually sounds pretty epic. Especially if the path towards the extraction point is under heavy fire. It sounds like the final level of the campaign, except with covenant attacking you instead of the sentinels. Give it a try, see what people think.
There's a thread for discussion dammit! >:l To answer your question, Urban Myth has one going with a warthog ecape vehicle. The only escape vehicle I don't think has been done is a prowler.
My bad rift lol, Hmm you know a cool thought, a semi remake of coastal highway would be sweet, with mongoose as the escape vehicles. Alrighty, a mod needs to lock this i guess.