This is a map made for infection. It could be modified to make a pretty good one sided ctf map, but it was orignally designed with fighting zombies in mind. The fort looks great from the outside because of the curves in the walls. When you spawn, you can choose many different ways to go. You can head to the bunker, or go up to the tower, or just move upward in the base and try to hold your own against the zombies. Make sure you stop at the equipment box, it will be vital to surviving the round. This level has been tested to make sure it plays fine Download it Thread (if you download it, plz comment on Must be used with Zombie Attack
i am sory to say that no one will download this map unless you embed the pictures i recomend using photobucket i results in the best big pictures
Wow fairly nice map. Gotta Hand it to you this is pretty fun nice work. I'm a huge fan of infection and I'm sure I'll be keeping this map in my library for a long while. Good work and keep 'em coming.
im also a huge fan of infection when im not forgeing im playing infection with my friends. good job on the interlocking