Im currently wanting to make a Elongation remake but i no longer am able to get ahold of a copy of Halo 2 so can some people put a couple of Great Screenshots of this map and post them here i will appreciate it very much Peace
I highly doubt that you could make an accurate remake with just screenshots. But if you wanna try, just google it...
Reply The truth is i dont plan on making it perfect with just screenshots I have a friend that has the game but he wont let me use it so i plan on starting it then finish it at his house. And i said i cant find them anywhere ive tried google and every other commercialized search engine and even most photobucket-like sites.
My opinion: What a "friend" is he, if he doesn't allow you to use his Halo 2 Disc once to make a remake in Halo 3? OMGHAX0R but what ever Good Luck though, maybe you can look at my Remakes and ask me when you need help... PS: I'm working on my Ascnesion Remake again, I stoppped because noone showed Interest, but ONE guy from Forgehub added me to ask for it =)
Halopedia normally has good screenshots of old maps. I know they deffinatley have an overveiw of everymap. Also why dont you try looking at some videos of the maps, watch some games on the map on youtube, it will help you learn the layout and how it plays.
Have you tried YouTube? I sometimes find videos easier to work from for general layouts and then screenshots for details. a layout of Longest, elongation is a remake of Longest; hope this helps
One guy already made a pretty good remake.... It even had working ladders, so unless your sure you can beat this then make it, but personaly I wouldn't even try
Reply again First of all that is Longest not Elongation... which if you know is LIKE but not the same in any way of style in which you play it. And i had never thought of using Youtube as a refrence. And also he is a friend he has bought 3 Halo 2 because he had let someone borrow them and they either never come back or there broke at someone's house... so he has reason.