Snowblind on Icy Path

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sir Brane Damuj, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. Sir Brane Damuj

    Sir Brane Damuj Ancient
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    Map Title: Snowblind on Icy Path
    Zombies with a unique twist.

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    Download Gametype

    Snowblind is a gametype I thought up while playing the Living Dead Playlist. I had such a horrendous time playing that because the games were dull and repetitive. Invisible zombies with hammers, shoot in their direction.

    Well I took the invisible part and applied it to Avalanche. While brainstorming some ideas, I thought of Snowbound and thought of some other words to combine with snow to make map titles.

    Snowblind is a zombie game with a unique "HP" health system. The living start with 150% resistance and two shield layers (green). If a zombie manages to hit him without assassinating him, that living person loses one half of a shield bar, which will not recharge automatically. If a living kills a zombie, he regains 1/4th of a shield bar. If we use fractions, we can represent this as 10 total HP (four per shield layer, around two hits after shields are lost). So when you take damage, you have 8/10 HP, and when you kill a zombie, you regain 1 HP, leaving you with 9/10.

    Math aside, the map's core functionality still remains intact. No side is overpowered. The zombies, though invisible, still leave footprints making sneaking up on someone less effective. The living team spawns in one base of Avalanche and must trek through the U part (the splazer cave is blocked off) on foot. While trekking, they will have to fight these zombies with their pistol, SMG, or other weapon they find.

    When they reach the second base, they are put into a sanctuary. This sanctuary has one main entrance (although zombies have found ways in that I intended them to find). A set of teleporters at the bottom of the tower are the easiest way inside. A custom powerup lies in wait to reveal these zombies by removing their camo and placing a waypoint above his head for 15 seconds.

    This game's main aspect is teamwork. The living team must watch each other's backs because it is the only vulnerable location. They must also manage the overall health of the team. If one person is without shields, and another is consistently killing the zombies, then the team is failing. When there are 6 or 7 zombies chasing you down and hitting you, you won't last long.

    So anyway, a lot of time and thought has been put into making this map/gametype. Feedback from the FH community is what I am most looking forward to since you guys are the masters.

    Also, I know the map looks a little barren, but really I made the map just as a springboard for the gametype style.



    The first leg of the path. There are two watchtowers along each leg. Starting from its respective base, you will encounter a mauler spawned and a sniper rifle.


    The second leg. The rocket cliffs are linked to each other via teleporters, however they also reveal zombies.


    It looks pretty open, but finding a way inside isn't as easy as it looks.


    The custom powerup at the end of each teleporter infinitely respawns, so no worries about a zombie missing it. Unless those zombies organize...*hint hint*
  2. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    looks interesting but it seems kind of empty. maybe some more cover would e nice.
  3. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    Although I'm not one for Zombies, this map really stands out.
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    sounds pretty awesome, tho it does look a little barren, but i think sometimes a barren ma doesnt matter.. my motto is tht Gametypes make the map, nd i think this gametype is great...
  5. voivod84

    voivod84 Ancient
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    I really like the thought you put into the HP system and that you balanced out invisibility with snow. I know you've already heard this, but you do need a bit more cover. Perhaps some barriers or barricades on the watchtowers would work.
  6. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    This sounds like you put some thought into it.
  7. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    Seems barren. I really dunno how to put this, so I'll just come right out and say it. This map needs two things to make it great originiality and just more stuff. Sorry, try to tinker around with it some more and I'm sure you'll get some more downloads. Good luck.
  8. Sir Brane Damuj

    Sir Brane Damuj Ancient
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    Yea, after playing with more people today, I realized some things needed to be tweaked when 10+ people are in it. When three or more people shoot one zombie, the HP system kind of falls apart.

    I didn't know what you meant by cover, so I just put some boxes and stuff around. Seeing as the living tended to cling to the side of the cliff, I put some double boxes up for them.

    I revised spawning and some other things as well as the gametype. I have uploaded the revised versions to my file share. I don't want to start a new thread for the same thing, so no link to a thread. Not yet.

    Thanks for the feedback!

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