One of my favorite airsoft fields in GA is in Athens. They are well known for some creative scenarios. My favorite of these is the killing house. Basically there is a house on top of a hill and the defenders have to kill the defenders attacking from the surrounding forest. I believe that with some revisions such as hills to block LoS and give the offensive team a much better chance. Also, I want to do this on the main tier of sandbox and have the house in the dunes. What are everybody's thoughts on this? Does it sound like a sucsesful idea? If I attempt this what features would you like to see included. ~ForgeGod117~
Could be done. There just have to be plenty of entrances to the house. How would you make a forest though?
So let me get this straight. People are in house, attackers come from around house and kill house? As an oversimplfied ersion, is this correct?
I'm a bit confused about what the setting for the map is. If you could give me a more detailed description about what you're plannng on creating then I could give you my opinion on if it's a good idea or not.
Defenders spawn in a house on a hill. Attackers spawn outside of said house. Defenders defend house. Doesn't get much simpler than that.
I'm not 100% on the idea but if u do go ahead with it. My main reason is i dont see any reasons for the defenders to actually stay in the house and defend it other than that is where they spawn. IMO you should NOT make this a straight up team slayer because of the reasons specified. Possibly One Bomb would work where the attacking team simply have to take the bomb to the base and arm it. This would give the defending team a reason to defend the house and not stray too far from it.
Good idea, and I have some ideas you could think about. Trees. use Tin Cups and you can make pretty convincing trees for leaves Along with the tree idea you could make a way into the house via a Tree house (or the tree house could be part of the defending). Brilliant I know! I'm also curious as to whether you are going to keep the Airsoft theme or You are going to go with CTF, Territories, or Infection?
Tell me something I don't know. Obviously this idea is meant for one sided gametypes. I was wondering what the setting and style of architecture is going to be. I know that he wants a forest setting bit that's about it. Making trees would be quite difficult but not impossible. If you plan on sticking with this setting then I would suggest making the "house" look like a log cabin.
I''ll dig through some reference pictures and edit them into this post for you. The attackers would have to weave in and out of these rocky mounds until they get to the house. Then it's up to them to do as much damage as possible. Also I plan on sticking to the airsft idea. Except the offensive have more health than those in the house. Going outside would be suicide.
That actually sounds like a pretty good idea it's just that concept is kind hard to grasp in halo. It's more cods thing. Well good luck i can't wait to see how it turns out. And I thought team airsoft was in woodstock. I live In Fulton
<-------REVISION-------> Instead of the earlier infection type design, this will be assymetric territories. In The only requirement for winning is to breach the outer shell of the fortress and step inside of the territory (house). This requires significantly higher amounts of team-work and intelligence. Also, I will give this a sort of speed-ball style feel to it. You get shot (killed) you spawn away from the fort and have to work your way back into the action from the beginning.
This could be really cool, instead of just the hills though I would suggest adding the little blocks everywhere, to simulate trees, without screwing up your LoS to much.
KILLING HOUSE IDEA!! My thoughts before I clicked onto your map: I thought of maybe some one make a cool custom gametype/Map that was based around a map of surviving. Mixing both random spawing room shapes as well adding traps and kill plots. IT would be FFA but you can only kill people with assassinations people spawn in different room with only one life. The key is to kill but also not trip on the maps Traps. (Think haunted house/Slayer) Thoughts after reading your OP: O ok... nevermind well Seems like your basing your map idea on something you need to know about a certain field in Athens Georgia. give us a bit of details I never been up in those parts. IMages details or ... needs more INFO.