What was once an idea for a neat mini game I had, is now another unfinished project. My idea is too hard to explain, so who ever has a neat concept to use to make an actual map out of this, that doesn't have to be a mini game, please come forth. You can edit, remove, change, delete, and add anything you wish to this. Feel free to make it yours.
If you want it I'll put it on my File Share once I'm done putting up Christmas Lights on my house, and you can send me a vm telling me once you downloaded, so I can remove it.
it looks nice although I have no idea what it could be used for. I am working on a mini game at the moment so I will give this map a miss.
This remineds me of the idea of the bridge in front of the alppha site building in odst, not sure what I could make out of thi but it has given me an idea for another map that I might start work on.
I will take this map off your hands if no one else wants it. But I see that Flameblad3 asked first, so if you don't want it dude, you can give it to me
You could line the sides of the double blocks with man-cannons, and make it so you have to navigate your way through them until you get to the little room at the end. Once you get there, you get a custom power-up that makes you invisible, and a magnum. You then get to snipe the other players in the head with the magnum as they work their way up the path. Whaddya'll think of that idea?
Hmm... This actually somewhat fits into a competitive map I'm designing. I'd take it if you don't mind me having it. If you've already given it to the other guy, just tell me.