Tbh i dont think you can decide whether the sniper rifle is affective for this map based on a 2v2, a sniper would never work with so few players on objective games and 2v2 isnt one this maps main gametypes so i personally think you shouldnt remove it until you have tested with at least 4v4.
It wasnt really the fact that it didnt work... It was the fact it stopped the map from being what it was... I was very unsure of whether it would work to start with, and as usual, the best thing to do with the sniper was to head up to the top of the dunes and its hard to challenge a sniper at long range with a BR. The map is supposed to prevent people camping in the dunes and it just cant with the sniper... But, i've made the sniper one its own variant v1.3... so if people prefer it (i personally dont) then it might remain in depending on how well it plays.. If it does work, and works well.. i could consider putting a sniper for each base.. but with no spare clips so its use is for skilled players only rather than trigger happy kiddies.
oh i see what u mean about camping out in the dunes, i didnt really think of that tbh. So yea now u mention it do NOT keep it imo
lol i thought as much.. either way, testing can still continue, but until it passes its testing its keeping the big fat FAIL
So i test it and it was very great ! i really love the curve from your circle ! B ase are cool and weapon selection . Maybe remove a mangoose for a ghost for more covies stuff !
thanks recon... im not overly sure about a ghost.. once the warthogs are gona and av weapons used a ghost could dominate very easily...
Sorry I forgot to come on for testing I looked at the time at 4:00 pm and im like, wait what was I meant to be doing today, and I was like oyeah! **** ;L Maybe add the ghost in the mid area where the 2 ramps come down, that would look nice
Ah nope... im keeping Camo, because that is a hill in King of the Hill gametype for the map. Cant have a hill based around a vehicle.. it's a bit weird.. Also, another note.. going to be uploading a few pictures in a bit of the new cover everyones nagging me for... it isnt much because i dont want the vehicles to have too restricted maneuvreability (sp?) but its better than before.. so keep your eyes open ladies